Some recommendations:
2.) Don't drive at night.
3.) Don't drive tired.
Also, something that might help. I used to lock my keys in the car often. So, I made a rule, keys need to be in the ignition in my hand or in my pocket. When I started doing that, they stopped getting locked in car.
thanks for the advice, I have some practice driving in the evenings and in the rain, I am good about not driving when tired, and our car can only be locked from the outside to prevent locking them in, I also try not to drive when sick
my grandma will be turning 70 ...somthing.....
I seem to get the run around when i ask how old she is..I am pretty sure 77 +or - 1, but as far as she has said, she is turning 69 ...again, shes a bit more aged because when she was younger she worked in a place that did sodering and back then they didnt really belive in proper ventalation so she has a really bad cough, it worried my fiance when he met her.
she is 100% native american too her native name is white elk woman, and has vanity plate that says that, and she calls me her princess, she has really been the only grand parent to watch out for me growing up (I had a great grandma too but she was 82 when i was born and not really active understandably)