So whats going on with this Fanfiction contest? Im really interested. What are the rules, can we do fanfictions with chapters or a just one shot type of thing? How long how short? Going by chapters or by page length. I need details! >< What will the judges be looking for?
e-mail me with all the details if n e one knows, or IM me on Aim at chibikimiski
I REALLY wanna do this one! :shock:
hi! thanks for your interest. i will also email you, in case you infrequently check the forum, and i'll invite you to our kumoricon_fanfiction yahoo group! it is within this group that such things are decided, usually by consensus.
there will be several fanfiction contests.
first is the one in which folks can submit their fic prior to the con.
i will be asking the yahoo group to help me set the rules for that this weekend, and posting them next week.
however, in answer to your specific queries:
fanfictions with multiple chapters, and/or over 10 pages in length (doublespace), will be reviewed in a separate category: novella. there will be two novella contests. novella-length entries received prior to the deadline (which will be mid-august), will be reviewed before the con, and the winner in that contest will be announced at closing ceremonies at kumoricon. novella-length entries received after that date--including at the con--will also be accepted, but will be considered a separate pool, and a winner for those will not be determined until a week or two after the con.
there is no minimum length for an entry.
there is no maximum length for an entry.
some contests will be held on-site, with topics determined on-site.
some contests will be judged by peer review (participants select a favorite). some will be judged by audience review, including peers. some will be judged by peer/audience and me. some will be judged only by me.
generally, the peer and audience awards tend to be around overall impact on those listening to or reading the fics--whether that be humorous or poignant. we have several events in which fics are read aloud. one is called "scenes from a hat" ...each author selects a concept, storyline idea, or phrase and puts it in the collection. each author draws an item from the collection, which has to become either a theme or a line within their fic. they can then write any kind of fic from any source, but only for the amount of time of the contest (between 30 and 60 minutes, decided by participants). after each has written, each then reads the fic to the others, and by peer acclaim, a winner is determined.
another event is what we in kumoricon fanfic are most famous for: fanfiction bedtime stories. basically it's a slumber party atmosphere, very friendly and inclusive, with pj's and toys and blankets and snacks, in which folks read their fics to each other. there are prizes for performance as well as for different genres.
this year, we are introducing a new concept into the fanfic bedtime stories modality: fanfic theatre: we will be cosplaying our fics!
more on this as it develops........hope that helps with your questions!
oh and in my own judging, i evaluate based on overall impact, character continuity, and creativity. i do evaluate language arts skills, but that is not my primary focus. i particularly value authors who provide sufficient backstory that readers unfamiliar with the canonic material would still be able to follow along with the story and care about the characters, and desire to familiarize themselves with the cano as a result of reading the fic.
looking forward to meeting you and hope to see you in the fan creation station!