That's a very good question. XD Still trying to figure it out. x.x Well, it's going to have to be filmed outside, so hopefully on a day where it's sunny, and not too cold. x.x So.....perhaps April or May? Keep in mind, this will mostly be an all day thing, because we'll do it many many times, mess up, practice, do it again. lol
I've given up hopes of getting together the entire Organization, because I don't think that will be possible before we film it. But the more the better.
As for a location, I don't exactly want to film it out in public, though it would be amusing to film in a park. XD I'm just thinking that since we'll be doing it over and over again, it'll be rather difficult and/or frustrating to get done when a bunch of other, confused, nosy people/children are around. So....hmm......perhaps in my back yard? XD It's rather large. I'm sure that would work if we don't have toooooo many people to get in the shots.
I don't have the best camera in the world. In fact, it's very screwy. Soooooo I'll have to try to borrow my friend's. x.x However, if anyone else has a camera/tripod they could bring, that would be fantastic as well, because the more angles we get the better. =D In the end, I'll get all the tapes and edit them together! ^^