The First Pocky Attempt
Dough: Basic Animal cracker recipe (
Chocolate: Melted semi-sweet chocolate with a bit of butter
Here's the ingredients for the dough. The honey's in a Zip-Loc because I cracked open the bear accidentally. Easy enough stuff.
Mixing the dough. The oats were blended in a blender, but don't mix the entire dough in there. It doesn't work out. Amateur mistake ._.
This is the dough rolled out. You can see how the oats are in the dough. I think it made it too grainy and elastic.
The cookie strips were cut by hand. I cut them thick at first, but then I got it down to a more manageable size.
The cookie dough only puffed up in a few areas, thank goodness. A test cookie showed a lot of puffing.
Final product: full shot. This was very time-consuming work. The chocolate didn't work out too well.
Close up on the final product. In all, it's delicious, but the cookies are lumpy, rather unpleasant looking, and messy. It still worked.
I guess if I make another batch, I'll post the results. This was an easy recipe, and if you want to try, feel free. It's not pretty, but it's tasty!