I'm watching the episode right now, and I'm a mix between "well, she seems like she's gaining a lot of confidence" with "@#%$ YOU! SHE'S PERFECTLY NORMAL!"
And, erm, to sound unwillingly creepy, you really do have a great figure!

Those model guys were really nice looking, too

EDIT: HIGH PRIESTESS PIERCING!! WHOOO! I got my eyebrow pierced there! Well, it was in Eugene, but still.
EDITEDIT: Just saw the end

Whoohoo! Erm, did you end up french kissing the melon?
If you want to do a panel, you can handle it. While I'm watching this, a panel would be, seriously, easy. Plus, you have everyone on this thread who would help you out, I bet!
RIGHT, GUYS??!!! >8| *serious face is serious*