First to Mustach--best post *evah* (at least as far as non-political spam goes!)
If your greatest sense of accomplishments comes from finding and solving all the Easter Eggs in your DVD collection, you might be a geek.
*guilty--I've even looked online for clues when stumped.
If you still have your original edition Atari, you might be a geek.
If you have more chains around your neck than an '80s rap band, when you attend a con, and they're all lanyards and laminates from staffing previous cons, you might be a geek.
*I don't do it, but could....*
If you watch a fan-vid such as Done the Impossible (a Serenity/Firefly fan vid), and you're friends with the fans featured in it, you might be a geek.
If your favorite cameo is Stan Lee in Mall Rats, you might be a geek.
*partly guilty*
If your cosplay is so obscure that only a handful of fanficcers recognize it (but they hail you and give homage when you do), you might be a geek.
*guilty--when I was Aragog on rollerskates from the boggart scene in HP & the Prisoner of Azkaban for the Deathly Hallows book release & the Order of the Phoenix film release.* *also got this response when a dolphin wearing a So Long, & Thanks for All the Fish! sign--see my avatar

If you dream your fanfics before, during, and after your time writing them, you might be a geek.
Love this thread!