Thanks, Soundy!! Love love!! Actually I was with friends from Bend at the time!!
That convenient.. it's funny that you know where I live though... O.O
(I am only minorly creeped out by this though, because I have most likely mentioned it to you once or twice...)
It is also in your profile. 
Sorry, & I knew it from both...but this leads into my next item. If you actually have looked at the profile pages of some of your forum friends, because you only know them from online & you have no one to go to the new Miyazake film with & wonder who lives in your home town, you might be a geek. (I never did make it to Ponyo. It seemed to open & close so fast!)
If you have exchanged online greeting cards beladen with characters from your favorite anime, with people you only know from online otaku forums, you might be a geek.
If your list of items out from the library is longer than your list of items to buy at the grocery store, you might be a geek.
If half your itunes are from soundtracks to films you saw because you loved the books and/or manga they were based on, you might be a geek.
If you have a box on your shelf waiting for the right companion to help you build a miniature model of Leonardo da Vinci's flying machine, you might be a geek.
If you spent a couple hours today going from hobby store to hobby store to find the exact figurine you wanted, you might be a geek.
If you had a great day --EXCEPT that your roommate tied you up with a project & did not let you watch V, so as soon as he leaves for work, you're going to try to find an episode recap, you might be a geek.
If you're trying to figure out how to save up $60 so you can get Arkham Horror, you might be a geek.
If you already knew that Arkham Horror was a Lovecraft RPG, you might be a geek (& should meet me)

Yes these all apply to me, & sooooo many more.