@Goatchild: The lloyd center meetup is the one on the 24th of October. It's kind of a Halloween meetup, but spook-i-fication of your character is only a suggestion. This is the only Hetalia meetup we have planned besides one that will be going on around Valentine's day. =3
@SK: Cheat the system? ='D
Go into the gallery, find which picture you like, select it so that a bigger version appears on the right side of the screen. When you hover your mouse over the picture on the right side of the screen there should be a little pop-up thing on the picture with sizes like medium, large, XL, etc.
Try clicking on 2X, because that's mostly the point in sizes where the pictures aren't watermarked. When the full-size picture appears on your screen, press f11 and center the picture in your browser to where you can see all of it.
Make sure nothing else is over the picture. Then Press Ctrl+Print Screen. Go into Paint/GIMP/whatever image program you have. Go to edit and then paste. You can crop the image to the borders of the picture now.
If you have any questions about this process just ask~ It took me a while to learn how to do this successfully, even though it's really quite simple. And if you already know how to do this then I just typed this out for no reason. X3
Oh, and the ones in the 'best of' gallery are all watermarked, no matter what size you select. ;_;