Except that not everyone can see that far ahead, even me. I know that June means no more school, which frees up weekdays mostly. Beach trip?? Waterfront Park fountain, bring your suit and walk through it? Just like I did with Trunks and his "water jutsu power up" moment. But who says it won't sink below 10 other topics to somewhere in the already done and over with topics?
well if you don't even want to try then there is no helping you. I gave you tips so stop bitching. I am getting really sick and tired of your woe is me bull.
You ask for help then you better use it, if you don't want to then STHU
And planning it far in advance will
MAKE people look that far so when something
DOES come up they can say they are busy that day.
The fact of the matter is that you
AREN'T trying. We are trying to give you help but you are complaining the whole way. Did you ever think that maybe that is a reason why people don't like you?