today was one of the best days I've ever have. I'm really really happy to be back in school. I hope it doesn't snow again and if it does, hopefully its only a little.
I feel exactly the same!
I can't believe how awesome these classes are ::dies of happiness::
and I get to hang out with a friend during breaks
really? what classes do you have?
Well, today I started out with hip hop dance, which is a massive class of 60. To start out every dance session, our teacher cranks the music and we all dance around before we start. Sssoooo much fun! It's like having a mini rave xD
Then I have early Shakespeare plays where we read and discuss sonnets. The class is filled with a bunch of actors and other art kids so there's a LOT of humor involved with every translation.
I hope tomorrow's classes are just as good but that's pretty hard to top.