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Re: D. Gray Man 09'
« Reply #500 on: July 31, 2009, 04:07:40 am »
WHOO~! Can't wait. :'D

Probably not very much. Creme sticks useually only cost from $2-$5 Depending were you get them. < 3
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Re: D. Gray Man 09'
« Reply #501 on: July 31, 2009, 04:11:04 am »
man this is going to be lots of fun! did sean respond yet?

oh thats good then. where would we get them besides online? I hope they have them in a store nearby.
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Re: D. Gray Man 09'
« Reply #502 on: July 31, 2009, 04:13:56 am »

You guys are all making me feel like I should be doing something with my Lolita!Allen costume XD But it's like... really all done lol I just haven't taken a picture of the whole thing together cause it'd take like an hour to get in/out of. Provided the zipper is kind and I don't get stuck in it and have to go 'mommy.. I'm stuck in a dress made by the devil.' XD
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Re: D. Gray Man 09'
« Reply #503 on: July 31, 2009, 04:18:27 am »
Oh crapple. I forgot to send a pm. > o <;; So forgetful!

They might have them at Rite Aid. : O I'll go look tomarrow. x D

XD Lawl. Well I say we wait until Kumoricon to see it all together cause then our excitment will be all "WTF WERE IS VERACE MUST SEE DRESS *Foams at mouth*" Or something like that. x D
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Re: D. Gray Man 09'
« Reply #504 on: July 31, 2009, 04:19:47 am »
Devil dress devil dress! -crosses arms- Jasdero is afraid of it! >_< heh I'm just kidding. I really do want to see it some time before con hopefully. But I know for sure at con we'll be getting pics together.

Okay. I can check some other stores as well. ya never know.
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Re: D. Gray Man 09'
« Reply #505 on: July 31, 2009, 04:26:42 am »
Okie dokie. : D
If chuu finds it give me a ring yush? : O
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Re: D. Gray Man 09'
« Reply #506 on: July 31, 2009, 04:27:39 am »
of course. ^3^ I'll also call if I find anything else that is needed/can be used.
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Re: D. Gray Man 09'
« Reply #507 on: July 31, 2009, 04:29:28 am »
Good good *Nods* :'D
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Re: D. Gray Man 09'
« Reply #508 on: July 31, 2009, 01:43:24 pm »
Well I do have pics of it in parts XD

I've got a pic of the dress with the old wig and a very bad symbol job. I've got that one pic of the lolita hat with the new wig and I've got a pic of the shoes on their own too xD
I really wish I could have like a lolita parasol to match it, but I doubt I will. And I'll only have the cute plushie Tim if my friend finishes it & mails it to me time *spaz* I want it~

*giggle* God that'll be interesting... A handful of DGM cosplayers looking for me lol I'm short so I shouldn't be too hard to find. Especially with a unique lolita hat like that that I have lol
I'm really playing with the idea of somehow safety pinning the 1st uni coat to the dress at the back so it'll be a little more obviously Allen... Think that'll work? Or will it ruin the dress?
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Re: D. Gray Man 09'
« Reply #509 on: August 02, 2009, 09:35:15 am »
I think either way would look really cute, but it depends on how you manage to pin it I guess.
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Re: D. Gray Man 09'
« Reply #510 on: August 02, 2009, 07:19:16 pm »
I was just stopping in to ask if you have a time planed for a photo shoot. I am putting together a schedule and am hoping to give it to the staff to have at the info booth (like last year) so other people know when and where it is as well. If you have a time and place set please post it here.
« Last Edit: August 02, 2009, 07:22:58 pm by nikkiolie »

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Re: D. Gray Man 09'
« Reply #511 on: August 03, 2009, 01:53:00 pm »
Hmm I'll have to play with the jacket then to see what I like...

Just dropped a post for Nikki. I told her that we're thinking about one for Sunday & Monday, and that we have no time yet. :)
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Re: D. Gray Man 09'
« Reply #512 on: August 06, 2009, 01:21:12 pm »
Mmkay, so now that more people have rediscovered the thread.... What are your preferences for photoshoot times?

And where do you guys want to have it? I think Pioneer Square would be best, but there's also the waterfront park and Chapman Square/Lowns Dale Square. We could have do a Square a day?

Or we could take a ride on the Max and go somewhere completely different, if enough of us have the time.

It'll all be a grand adventure.... XD
Kumori Con '08 :
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Re: D. Gray Man 09'
« Reply #513 on: August 06, 2009, 01:25:30 pm »
It would be a quite the adventure.  :D well kfc and I were planning on being jasdevi for the first half of Sunday until 4-5ish. I'm apart of a skit with a different cosplay so I have to change before hand.
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Re: D. Gray Man 09'
« Reply #514 on: August 06, 2009, 09:34:50 pm »
I can't really go off anywhere from the con area. And the people I go with dislike walking farther than two blocks from the con itself x_x;

Aren't one of the squares pretty close?
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Re: D. Gray Man 09'
« Reply #515 on: August 06, 2009, 10:10:56 pm »
Yeah, Pioneer Square is less than two blocks from the hotel. The other two around about three blocks away, and the waterfront is about six. So they're all pretty close, actually. Hopefully two blocks counts as "con area" for you? 'Cause I have no idea how big the lobby is, or how great it would be for photoshoots.

So maybe around 2-ish for Sunday?
Kumori Con '08 :
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Re: D. Gray Man 09'
« Reply #516 on: August 07, 2009, 02:24:59 am »
It's more of a safety issue for them since they'll have their two little sisters with them -who've never been to a con. Hopefully, we bring them Monday instead of one of the busier days, but we won't know until the actual con.

2-ish for sunday sounds pretty good. Theoretically, there won't be any main events happening then.

Are we going to try to shoot for one on Monday as well, or no?
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Re: D. Gray Man 09'
« Reply #517 on: August 07, 2009, 10:21:24 am »
2 sounds really good. :3 i can't wait till con! this is going to be so much fun! XD
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Re: D. Gray Man 09'
« Reply #518 on: August 07, 2009, 10:31:26 am »
Ooh ok, that makes sense. Well, if they do manage to come along, don't take them to Pioneer Square after like, six. XD But it might be swarming with cosplayers whenever you go.

Awesome, we have a time now! Whoo. At Pioneer Square then?

Yeah let's try for a Monday slot as well. I think, last year, Cosplay Chess was noon-ish on Monday? I don't remember exactly what time, because we had to leave around then.

Kumori Con '08 :
Kanda [2nd uniform] - D.Gray-man
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Re: D. Gray Man 09'
« Reply #519 on: August 07, 2009, 02:46:59 pm »
Ok so Saturday @ 2, Pioneer Square =3

Sounds good!

I don't really think we should go off con-site for the monday one since there's usually less people... *shrug* But that's just my opinion.
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Re: D. Gray Man 09'
« Reply #520 on: August 08, 2009, 12:03:15 pm »
Please ignore anything you may or may not have seen that was angry involving the photoshoot time on Sunday that was here before I posted from a computer I just found.

Due to the current hair-brained idea as to what time the photoshoot should be, I can't make Sunday's shoot as Maria if I'm going to get to both Kingdom Hearts shoots, of which I basically have a nearly moral obligation to do so. However, I can make it as Deke since that costume and Demyx both involve binding. It shouldn't be particularly hard to get in and out of those costumes (but if I show up to the DGM photoshoot in my Organization boots, or to the KH photoshoot wearing the wrong floor-length coat, I'm blaming you guys) so I ought to be fine.

If you want pictures with Maria, though, you'll have to get them before or after the cosplay contest, or at the photoshoot on Monday. Because those are basically the only times I will physically be able to make enough time to get in or out of that costume.
« Last Edit: August 08, 2009, 01:17:15 pm by LtCommanderRichie »

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Re: D. Gray Man 09'
« Reply #521 on: August 10, 2009, 11:38:56 am »
Lavi's bday today! W00t! XD

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Re: D. Gray Man 09'
« Reply #522 on: August 10, 2009, 12:21:27 pm »
Holy sweet Primus!

It is! I know which wig I'm going to be styling after I get food and finish watching Stargate.

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Re: D. Gray Man 09'
« Reply #523 on: August 10, 2009, 11:12:51 pm »
I'm confused... are we all more or less agreeing for it to be at 2 on saturday?
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Re: D. Gray Man 09'
« Reply #524 on: August 10, 2009, 11:48:44 pm »

Saturday, Sunday, I'm getting excessively confused at this point. What DAY is it, to begin with, because I've seen BOTH on this page.

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Re: D. Gray Man 09'
« Reply #525 on: August 11, 2009, 05:49:44 am »
@.@ Baaaaah this stupid con being sat-monday is confusing me! I meant Sunday. Sunday! Being day #2, and then maybe one for day #3. @.@
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Re: D. Gray Man 09'
« Reply #526 on: August 17, 2009, 02:01:48 pm »
Double post, sorry ><

Just wondering if we're going yes or no for the photoshoot on Monday or not? Also wondering about the time for the one on Sunday?

*woot got the days correct*
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Re: D. Gray Man 09'
« Reply #527 on: August 17, 2009, 05:09:15 pm »
So far as I know it's Sunday at 2, then there's no time set for Monday.

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Re: D. Gray Man 09'
« Reply #528 on: August 18, 2009, 05:27:03 pm »
I vote yes for Monday :3

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Re: D. Gray Man 09'
« Reply #529 on: August 21, 2009, 03:56:33 pm »
May I suggest Monday around 12PM or 1PM in Fountain Plaza?

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Re: D. Gray Man 09'
« Reply #530 on: August 21, 2009, 04:22:42 pm »
Oooh that sounds like a good time.  ;D I second either of the times for Monday.
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« Reply #531 on: August 22, 2009, 10:01:47 am »
So the Sunday photoshoot is in Pioneer Square, right? I wonder why nikkiolie didn't put that in the photoshoot thread?

Also, Monday at 1pm sounds like the best idea to me. Anyone else?

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Re: D. Gray Man 09'
« Reply #532 on: August 23, 2009, 12:58:17 am »

  I have no idea when anything is taking place. So for all I know these times could be overlapping everything I want to do but...this IS what I want to do the most ( since I missed BOTH shoots at Fanime.)

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Re: D. Gray Man 09'
« Reply #533 on: August 23, 2009, 10:05:49 am »
I made sure that they're not overlapping any photoshoots, and that they're not overlapping any of the major events either.

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Re: D. Gray Man 09'
« Reply #534 on: August 23, 2009, 01:23:33 pm »
I don't think she put it i the thread cause no one's updated her.. If it's not updated now, I'll go drop her the news.

Should we have both in the square then?
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Re: D. Gray Man 09'
« Reply #535 on: August 23, 2009, 01:28:11 pm »
No, one is already set in Fountain Plaza and the other is in Pioneer Square. Besides, I think something is already happening in one or the other while we're at the opposite. If that made sense.

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Re: D. Gray Man 09'
« Reply #536 on: August 23, 2009, 01:31:17 pm »
*blinks* ...OH! Ok I understand what you mean. That makes sense then to keep them where they're at.

I'll update my little writing booklet for my friends
 >:( I will not miss the one on Monday. Can't guarantee the one on Sunday, but I will try as best I can.

Also edited my Timcampi so I won't have to worry about breaking his tail, cause now it's bendy!
« Last Edit: August 23, 2009, 06:53:46 pm by veraca »
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Re: D. Gray Man 09'
« Reply #537 on: August 26, 2009, 09:41:39 pm »
Please ignore this post, I'm easily confused when presented with pressing information.
« Last Edit: August 26, 2009, 09:43:00 pm by LtCommanderRichie »

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Re: D. Gray Man 09'
« Reply #538 on: August 27, 2009, 12:50:06 am »
I'm guessing you did the same thing I did, Lt? Double look and get confused about the times and stuff for the shoots? X_x; I did that like 3 times today with just this thread.
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Re: D. Gray Man 09'
« Reply #539 on: August 27, 2009, 01:26:37 am »
Yep. For some reason I thought that the shoot locations were switched, and I was freaking out about the massive amount of stairs at Pioneer Courthouse Square and my stilts. Turns out I had nothing to worry about because I had them switched, so we ought to be fine.

In fact, if I don't get pictures at Pioneer Courthouse as Lavi, I will probably try to strangle myself with my eyepatch.

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Re: D. Gray Man 09'
« Reply #540 on: August 27, 2009, 01:43:38 am »
XD I'll be sad if I don't get any pics of me in the lolita Allen at all. I want to try it on tomorrow with the petticoat I have but I'm afraid I'll get stuck in it (like I have before) and have to wait until my mom gets home from work to get it off of me.... While I'd have to sit on like Towels and stuff so it doesn't get covered in cat/dog hair x_X;

Got a tip for how to store a dress that's a magnent to hair if you don't have one of those big clothing bags? I'm paranoid to fold it up into a drawer
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Re: D. Gray Man 09'
« Reply #541 on: August 27, 2009, 06:25:16 am »
I need to find my Earl costume. Its in the Garage some where.

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Re: D. Gray Man 09'
« Reply #542 on: August 27, 2009, 03:51:07 pm »
Got a tip for how to store a dress that's a magnent to hair if you don't have one of those big clothing bags? I'm paranoid to fold it up into a drawer
The dry cleaner in my area sends you home with a thin plastic clothing bag. You could try checking out the ones where you live to see if they do the same thing, or could even give you one for free...
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Re: D. Gray Man 09'
« Reply #543 on: August 27, 2009, 05:23:19 pm »
Goodwill might have garment bags. If not, a black plastic trash bag with a hole in the top for the hangar and tied in a knot at the bottom with the dress inside will work just as well.

Got a new eyepatch~ My old one with two straps got stolen by my little sister, and then she gave it to my stepdad when he got hit in the eye with a baseball, and it got gunky so he threw it away. I was not the happiest rabbit in the world when I found out. But oh well.

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Re: D. Gray Man 09'
« Reply #544 on: August 27, 2009, 06:22:53 pm »
Oh I never thought about the trash bag idea. I'll have to jack one before the con so I can stash the dress in it ^_^
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Re: D. Gray Man 09'
« Reply #545 on: September 08, 2009, 08:38:40 pm »

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Re: D. Gray Man 09'
« Reply #546 on: September 08, 2009, 08:40:12 pm »


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Re: D. Gray Man 09'
« Reply #547 on: September 09, 2009, 12:26:55 am »
I DIDN'T GET ANY PICTURES OF YOU, I'M SORRY!! I wish I did.... but the only time I saw you in that costume was on stage.

I'm at my friend's house [still in Portland, whoo] for a few days, so I don't think I'll have any pictures until after I get back home. Not that I had a lot anyway. D: The light meter on my film camera died, and that was sad. So I didn't get any awesome pictures; just the typical photoshoot ones.

But if anyone has any pictures of me, that'd be great. I think I was the only second uniform Kanda there.

Also, to other!Kanda: my dA is PiercingNisha. That's pretty much the only thing I check, but I don't really post anything. So find me and I'll send you stuff.
Kumori Con '08 :
Kanda [2nd uniform] - D.Gray-man
[possibly] some Star Trek character

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Re: D. Gray Man 09'
« Reply #548 on: September 09, 2009, 01:48:20 pm »
I've got some pics from the shoot that I weren't in, so feel free to look for yourself. I already know I got Ai as Lavi and I know I got some of Lt.
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Re: D. Gray Man 09'
« Reply #549 on: September 10, 2009, 07:37:46 pm »
Shoot. Does anyone have the Sunday photoshoot pictures? I know only a few showed up, but I'd still really like to see how they turned out since I could only go to that one.
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