I found the "Finish Him!" voice but not the fatality one. The one I did find, was too quiet and poorly recorded. Because Zelda finishing Dark Link off was unexpected, the announcer will go "My goodness!" And the boot will be foam, but the thrower will be right behind Dark Link offstage. Even if it doesn't hit her/him in the face, it will still nail him in the upper region (head, face, chest). Also since he's only that close it doesn't need to be thrown very hard, even just a light pushing throw. If it ends up hitting low, then it's still a "boot to the head" Just only the crowd will know that, while our Dark Link will luckily be a girl and feel no pain. Though I'm going to ask and clarify if the "head" reference will be allowed or not. To be safe, aim high.
The first practice for us will be Friday, 6:00 PM down at waterfront park. The second one is going to be Saturday around 4:00 in the courtyard or Pioneer Courthouse Square, whichever is less crowded. The cosplay pre-meet runs from 9-10 Pm and on Sunday the tech walkthrough is 8:00 AM to 11:00.