V "Be rary of wousing a rizard's wrath - rousing a rizard's - Be wary of making a magician angry!"
I chose an easy one. Other quotes from this film are pretty hard.
Is that Emma Thompson's character in one of the Harry Potter flicks?
"There's no crying in baseball!"
WRONG! Jay I am dissapointed in you. So anyone else know what movie it is from? Here are some other qoutes from the same movie:
"Do not boast, old woman. Your death sits in that cage, and she hears you."
"Who am I? Why am I here? What is it that I'm searching for in this strange place, day after day?"
"It's a very rare person who is taken for what he truly is."
"You are losing my interest, and that is very dangerous."
"Because I be, what I be. I would tell you what you want to know if I could, mum, but I be a cat. And no cat anywhere, ever gave anyone a straight answer."
"No cat out of its first fur was ever deceived by appearances, unlike human beings, who seem to enjoy it."
"What is the matter with your eyes? Why can I not see myself, in your eyes?"
"There are no happy endings, because nothing ends."
"I know you. If I were blind I'd know what you are."
"You can't come with us. We're on a quest!"
"You may come and go as you please. My secrets guard themselves. Will yours do the same?"
"I can't do this very much longer. He had me juggling teacups all night long. Teacups! With tea in them!"
"Oh god, I'm engaged to a douglas fir!"
"Never run from anything immortal; it only attracts their attention."
"You pile of stones! I'll set all your toenails growing in, you mess with me!"
"Shut up, you pretentious kneecap! How'd you like a punch in the eye?"
"I know you! I almost knew you as soon as I saw you on the road coming to my door. Since then, there is no movement of yours that has not betrayed you! A pace, a glance, a turn of the head, the flash of your throat as you breathe... even your way of standing perfectly still - they were all my spies!"
"I'm looking for others like me. Have you seen them, Magician?"
"No, I've never seen anyone like you. Not while I was awake, anyway."
That aught to be enough hints