Author Topic: Artist Alley Status- Please read before posting elsewhere  (Read 29035 times)

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Artist Alley Status- Please read before posting elsewhere
« on: January 28, 2009, 10:44:49 am »
UPDATE 2/24/09:
I will be meeting with Relations Director, Dawn, to get contracts this weekend. I plan to open registration shortly after that. With that being said, here is some preliminary updates about Artist Alley.

The location of the alley HAS CHANGED. Due to complications with layout, we will be sharing space with the Exhibitor's hall. Tentatively, 10x10 booths will be offered in the AA for $85 dollars. I am strongly encouraging you all to share booths. Not only is it super fun, but economical! I will post a thread on table sharing here shortly so all of you here in the forums can more easily commiserate with other artists.

Some of you had questions about badges. Here is the lowdown on this: A 10x10 AA space comes with 1 badge. If your friend/sibling/spouse has a regular attendee badge,  and if they are designated on the additional form with table registration, they can trade in their Kumoricon attendee badge for the AA badge. You have the same rights and access as the original, but you will also be able to access the Exhibitor hall during off-hours (one hour before open and one hour after closing).

Art show is returning this year! As a way for everyone to submit and learn about submitting to the Art show, I will be including Art Show forms with registration.

Any questions, just PM me.


There  has been concern about the current status of Artist Alley. I completely understand the concern. So I just wanted to make a formal post of where we stand currently. Rathany and I are working hard (along with other staffers and Execs alike) to get all the details together so we can open up Artist Alley for registration.

We are currently waiting to update contract information, collect previous years information about AA and Dealer's Hall and finalize layout plans. As soon as I have more information, I will post it in the Fan Creation area. Again, I am grateful for you patience.

I have started an email list for those who wish to receive an email when Artist Alley opens up for registration. If you haven't talked to me already, feel free to email me to get your name on the list.

I look forward to working with you all in making this a great year for Artist Alley and Kumoricon.
« Last Edit: February 24, 2009, 04:23:05 pm by Evaldas »

Offline xxxchihiroxxx

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Re: Artist Alley Status- Please read before posting elsewhere
« Reply #1 on: January 31, 2009, 11:21:55 am »
it's ok Eve I understand completley ^^ I'm just glad you guys are working so hard for all of us.

idealythe forms would be availble for me by the seventh of this month because thats when i get to see all my team memebers so it would make it ideal so i can get that paper work done and everything set then.

but dont worry about it >.> just get them availble sometime soon and thats good enough for me! thankis for all the hard work!
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Offline Neolucky

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Re: Artist Alley Status- Please read before posting elsewhere
« Reply #2 on: February 12, 2009, 04:22:32 pm »
I pmed ya about wanting to be on the mailing list =B since I'm dumb and can't find the right email to contact you with. You know me and Patches will jump on a table as soon as we can XD!

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Re: Artist Alley Status- Please read before posting elsewhere
« Reply #3 on: February 13, 2009, 01:07:16 am »
No prob! I have you on the list. I will be meeting with Dawn here within the next two weeks to get contracts and work out final details for the space. we're much closer to opening registration.  ;D

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Re: Artist Alley Status- Please read before posting elsewhere
« Reply #4 on: February 13, 2009, 04:09:36 pm »

this pleases me.
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Offline khaosvanity

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Re: Artist Alley Status- Please read before posting elsewhere
« Reply #5 on: February 23, 2009, 07:30:38 pm »
PMed with my email to be added to the list! Thank you! <3
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Re: Artist Alley Status- Please read before posting elsewhere
« Reply #6 on: February 24, 2009, 12:46:50 am »
I have also PMed you! Cant wait to hear back<3 Thank you ^^

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Offline Evaldas

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Re: Artist Alley Status- Please read before posting elsewhere
« Reply #7 on: February 24, 2009, 04:42:15 pm »
I have updated information at the top of this thread. Please read, if you dare. ;)

Offline Neolucky

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Re: Artist Alley Status- Please read before posting elsewhere
« Reply #8 on: February 24, 2009, 09:45:23 pm »
..In the exhibitors again ;_; bawwwwww. Aw well, take what we can get!

Offline xxxchihiroxxx

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Re: Artist Alley Status- Please read before posting elsewhere
« Reply #9 on: February 25, 2009, 07:41:41 am »
no super cool lobby location? ;-; oh well neos right take what we can get!
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Offline Evaldas

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Re: Artist Alley Status- Please read before posting elsewhere
« Reply #10 on: February 25, 2009, 08:11:09 am »
Yeah, I knew that some of you were looking forward to the swank placing on the second floor, but it just fell apart toward the end.  However, the location change should not take away the fact that it will be super awesome this year. :D

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Re: Artist Alley Status- Please read before posting elsewhere
« Reply #11 on: February 25, 2009, 08:31:20 am »
Were trusting ya Evaldas! x3 I'm sure youll pull off a great artist alley this year
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Offline Neolucky

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Re: Artist Alley Status- Please read before posting elsewhere
« Reply #12 on: February 25, 2009, 04:14:17 pm »
Well there's perks to being in the Exhibitors hall =). So, question time!

1.) Will it be locked up securely at night?
2.) What are the open and close times?
3.) Can we have power?
4.) Will we be assigned tables, or can we put dibs on certain spots?
5.) Are these the same blue/white booths from last year?
5.) Are tables pre-covered with skirts again?
6.) Are raffles allowed? (Some states consider this gambling)

More as I think of em! XD

Offline Evaldas

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Re: Artist Alley Status- Please read before posting elsewhere
« Reply #13 on: February 25, 2009, 06:07:20 pm »
Oooo, I love questions. *cracks knuckles*

1:Yes, Exhibitors will be locked up at night with the the open times being 10-6 each night.
3:Yes, you can have power. Power is only available at booths upon request.
4:Maybe, I am not sure how I am going to assign spaces this year. You are welcome to put in a request to be next to a friend (aka, want to be able to help cove booth and what not), HOWEVER, I cannot guarantee anything. This information will be provided with contracts or after registration has been opened officially.
5:Yes, spaces will be piped and draped. Though I am not sure about the color scheme. It will depend on what the hotel and the set up company will provide. If I find out soon, I will let anyone interested know.
6:Maybe, I have had a suggest we do a raffle as a whole to help circulate the people into AA. I need to talk to the Director about this. You are welcome to do this at your table, but let me find out for sure.

Phew. ;) Hope that helps.

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Re: Artist Alley Status- Please read before posting elsewhere
« Reply #14 on: February 25, 2009, 06:30:21 pm »
that was very helpful ._.

1. how do we request power?
2. as for asigned spaces is it only for being next to people or can we possibley request a specific place if we know what the venue is like? (hypothetical i havent had a chance to check out the hilton yet)
3. as for the raffle i like the idea but about how big would this raffle be?
4. Where exactly are we in the building? are we in a seperate building like this last year or are we some where inside the main hotel?
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Offline Neolucky

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Re: Artist Alley Status- Please read before posting elsewhere
« Reply #15 on: February 25, 2009, 07:01:38 pm »
Yay thanks! Haha I love questions too XD it just gets more info out there, so much to think about!

I'm curious about the raffle for the AA. Circulate, meaning movement around the Alley space (random placement)? Or the artists allowed to be IN the Alley =o? Little confused on that.

1.) Are products allowed only print-paper based? Or can we have things like handmade hats and T-shirts and such? Some conventions are picky whats in their AA, and since it's under new management, I wanna be sure :D.
« Last Edit: February 25, 2009, 07:04:46 pm by Neolucky »

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Re: Artist Alley Status- Please read before posting elsewhere
« Reply #16 on: February 25, 2009, 07:08:31 pm »
I think were aloud home made things like hats and shirts...

i mentioned it in one post earlier and specifically said hats (i was asking about stock) and evaldas replied to my question and also specifically referred to the hats, and said nothing about them being against the rules.

i think its supposed to be ok as long as its hand made.
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Offline Evaldas

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Re: Artist Alley Status- Please read before posting elsewhere
« Reply #17 on: February 25, 2009, 09:50:16 pm »
Anything is fair game just as long as you made. No commercially made stuff. So you can sell hats you made by hand, but you can't sell Inuyasha hats mass produced from overseas. All of these details are covered in the contract.

And what I meant by circulate, simply, to help to draw people into the AA. Sorry if that was a little confusing.

Offline Rathany

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Re: Artist Alley Status- Please read before posting elsewhere
« Reply #18 on: February 25, 2009, 10:33:02 pm »
Kcon 2009 is in two towers.  The Dealers Hall / AA is in the main tower, same as Main Events, Live 1 and Gaming.  It is a converted parking garage, but a NICE converted parking garage.  The ventilation is so good that the air is nice even when filled with cars.  The lighting is the best of ANY EX/AA location Kcon has had to date and the room seals off from the road with a solid steel door.  No chincy little gate. 
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Offline Neolucky

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Re: Artist Alley Status- Please read before posting elsewhere
« Reply #19 on: February 26, 2009, 03:39:42 am »
Kcon 2009 is in two towers.  The Dealers Hall / AA is in the main tower, same as Main Events, Live 1 and Gaming.  It is a converted parking garage, but a NICE converted parking garage.  The ventilation is so good that the air is nice even when filled with cars.  The lighting is the best of ANY EX/AA location Kcon has had to date and the room seals off from the road with a solid steel door.  No chincy little gate. 

Woohoo! Yeah I've seen some converted garages (last years) that were pretty darn nice as well. So I'm sure this ones good and...steel door? Hale yes! And I understand better now, Evaldas, no problemo.

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Re: Artist Alley Status- Please read before posting elsewhere
« Reply #20 on: March 05, 2009, 11:34:27 pm »
Wow, that was a pretty intense two days. Phew!

I still need to shift though some of the remaining emails from you guys. So those of you who haven't heard from me, hang in there, I will get back to you by tomorrow night!

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Re: Artist Alley Status- Please read before posting elsewhere
« Reply #21 on: March 19, 2009, 12:40:39 pm »
Just so everyone knows: I will send out an email confirming the reception of your form and your when you table has been finalized. Then your name and website(if you submitted one) will be placed on the website as a final confirmation.

Offline Neolucky

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Re: Artist Alley Status- Please read before posting elsewhere
« Reply #22 on: March 19, 2009, 01:17:13 pm »
Wahoooo! <3

Offline lychee-twist

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Re: Artist Alley Status- Please read before posting elsewhere
« Reply #23 on: March 19, 2009, 10:35:55 pm »
Hey, I got an initial email, but I wasn't sure whether or not I really got a table. No contract or form was sent to me either.
 Does this mean I'm out of the running? It sounded like I was in it. I replied immediately, too.
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Re: Artist Alley Status- Please read before posting elsewhere
« Reply #24 on: March 22, 2009, 07:11:00 pm »
Hey, things were really chaotic lately so I wanna make sure I can get my table for the show.  I haven't seen anything lately about the tables but with the economy the way it is now I think I'm OK for a table.  I got the money.

If someone could please send me an email or something for a table I would appreciate it. 

Thank you so much.

My email is

Sorry, I had some issues with a publisher, a few interviews and some major changes in my schedule with the economy.  I hope I can still attend the con.  Please!?
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Re: Artist Alley Status- Please read before posting elsewhere
« Reply #25 on: March 22, 2009, 09:14:32 pm »
I sent you an email. So if you don't see it, check your spam.  :P

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Re: Artist Alley Status- Please read before posting elsewhere
« Reply #26 on: March 24, 2009, 11:28:01 pm »
I checked it and I guess I might not make it this year if no one declines.  It's kinda sad.  This will be the one year I don't make it to the show.  I thought I was on a mailing list about this year.  How come I never got anything? 
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Re: Artist Alley Status- Please read before posting elsewhere
« Reply #27 on: March 24, 2009, 11:37:13 pm »
I checked it and I guess I might not make it this year if no one declines.  It's kinda sad.  This will be the one year I don't make it to the show.  I thought I was on a mailing list about this year.  How come I never got anything? 

Please check your email.  Thank you. :)

Offline OtokoNoShufu

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Re: Artist Alley Status- Please read before posting elsewhere
« Reply #28 on: March 25, 2009, 02:05:28 pm »
I had a similar issue.  I finally found the two emails with the contracts attached beneath tons of spam dated for 2038. :P 
Am I on one of those hidden camera shows?

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Re: Artist Alley Status- Please read before posting elsewhere
« Reply #29 on: March 25, 2009, 03:44:18 pm »
dang those pre-dated spam. Kinda like the emails I get dated two years earlier just now showing up. ><

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Re: Artist Alley Status- Please read before posting elsewhere
« Reply #30 on: March 27, 2009, 11:12:04 pm »
wait their not sold out already are they?! O_O *just heard a rumor*
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Re: Artist Alley Status- Please read before posting elsewhere
« Reply #31 on: March 28, 2009, 08:14:57 am »
Where..What?! Did my evil twin get on here and started spreading nasty rumors? I will just tell you that do not believe the story about the stuffed animal, blow torch and hand cuffs. Totally not true.

Tables are  technically sold out at this point.
The way this process works with the tables is everyone with a contract has a temporary hold on their table. The table is not theirs until they turn in their contract and payment. So there is a remote possibility that something may open up if someone doesn't turn in their contract or decides they don't want their table. This has not happened, yet or it may not happen at all.

The reason I have not made a formal announcement is that I have not confirmed tables yet.
« Last Edit: March 28, 2009, 08:17:02 am by Evaldas »

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Re: Artist Alley Status- Please read before posting elsewhere
« Reply #32 on: March 28, 2009, 10:53:50 am »
._.;;; good lord i was scared there for a minute.

so because I was sent a contract I have it reserved?
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Offline Cassiopeia

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Re: Artist Alley Status- Please read before posting elsewhere
« Reply #33 on: March 28, 2009, 09:48:01 pm »
Wait, so all the contracts for the tables have gone out? All the tables have been reserved but not necessarily sold?
So my friend who has been wanting to get a table can't really get one at this point unless someone frees up theirs... Right?
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Re: Artist Alley Status- Please read before posting elsewhere
« Reply #34 on: March 29, 2009, 04:47:23 pm »
._.;;; good lord i was scared there for a minute.

so because I was sent a contract I have it reserved?

Yes, essentially.

Wait, so all the contracts for the tables have gone out? All the tables have been reserved but not necessarily sold?
So my friend who has been wanting to get a table can't really get one at this point unless someone frees up theirs... Right?

That is also correct. The contract states that those with contracts have until August 12th to get their contract and payment in. I am hoping that everyone will have their stuff in well before hand.

And I know it sucks that the tables sold out so quickly this year. In years past, you could take your time and usually tables are available, even a month before the convention. Though now that were not only bigger, there are more return artists and new ones interested every year. Also, we had a last minute change in the AA which not only changed where we were going to hold it, but we lost the total amount of booths.

Though in my opinion, I would advise to keep your eyes peeled and be proactive about getting a table in the future.

There is always the possibility someone who paid for a table may not show up at the last minute during convention. People have until noon on the Saturday of convention to set up and check in. If they don't ,I release the table(s) to anyone who wants one. First come, first serve.

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Re: Artist Alley Status- Please read before posting elsewhere
« Reply #35 on: March 29, 2009, 07:14:33 pm »
wow ._. they did sell out fast. I'm really glad I sent for my contract early this year, and even more glad I'm sharing with so many people, lets more people participate with less space taken I supose.

but there are always flakes, surprise circumstances tend to happen. I wouldnt be surprised if at least one table opened up.

perhaps it would be a good idea to get a waiting list going?
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Re: Artist Alley Status- Please read before posting elsewhere
« Reply #36 on: March 29, 2009, 07:19:05 pm »
Already rolling with that list.

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Re: Artist Alley Status- Please read before posting elsewhere
« Reply #37 on: March 29, 2009, 09:57:54 pm »
So my friend says she had an email sent in last Monday Tuesday asking to register for a table but has yet to receive a response.
Were the tables already gone by then and she's on the waiting list, or what? Also would it be possible for you to say how far down on that waiting list she may be, so she doesn't have to keep hoping for naught if the case is that bad?
« Last Edit: March 29, 2009, 10:03:48 pm by Cassiopeia »
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Re: Artist Alley Status- Please read before posting elsewhere
« Reply #38 on: March 30, 2009, 07:58:58 am »
Please have this friend of yours PM me please.

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Re: Artist Alley Status- Please read before posting elsewhere
« Reply #39 on: March 30, 2009, 01:42:28 pm »
She's not on the forums...

 :D Scratch that, she said she went on and sent a PM
« Last Edit: March 30, 2009, 01:45:36 pm by Cassiopeia »
Kumoricon 2010 Cosplays: Kyouya Ootori, Spain, Yoru

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Re: Artist Alley Status- Please read before posting elsewhere
« Reply #40 on: March 30, 2009, 07:29:14 pm »
It's all taken care of. She is on the waiting list. Make sure to do a posting in the table sharing thread. I have heard that people are sharing their space with artists who missed getting a table.

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Re: Artist Alley Status- Please read before posting elsewhere
« Reply #41 on: March 30, 2009, 08:38:08 pm »
Thanks. :)
Kumoricon 2010 Cosplays: Kyouya Ootori, Spain, Yoru

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Re: Artist Alley Status- Please read before posting elsewhere
« Reply #42 on: April 27, 2009, 11:46:40 am »
Hi Jennifer,

Is there a list confirming who's payment you've received and/or who has a table?

.empty movement.

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Re: Artist Alley Status- Please read before posting elsewhere
« Reply #43 on: April 27, 2009, 03:04:32 pm »
Everyone keep an eye out. I have sent out emails to all those whom I have just received contracts for. For those whom I haven't received from, hang in there and check your bank account regularly as once your check has been cashed will indicate we received your contract.

Thanks for being patient with the process!  :D

« Last Edit: April 27, 2009, 03:49:26 pm by Evaldas »

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Re: Artist Alley Status- Please read before posting elsewhere
« Reply #44 on: April 30, 2009, 11:00:46 am »
gah still need to get my paper work in -_- I have a good lot of it theres just like three girls who wont respond to e-mails.... YARGNARG.

Eva you said we have till august or so right?

and a question is there a limit to table sharing? When we discussed over email and i brought up how many girls im sharing with there didnt seem to be any problem, however hte contract states that only three people are aloud to share a table? Or am I reading that wrong?

also in the contract that I have it says the tables are 8' but on the forum i thought you posted 10' ._. just a few questions sorry.
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Re: Artist Alley Status- Please read before posting elsewhere
« Reply #45 on: May 01, 2009, 08:12:25 am »
You can represent as many as you want, but there will only be three artist badges given out per table. The remaining artists would not be allowed to come in before opening and would need to be out at closing and would not be able to be in during set up hours. However, that is no problem with them being in during open hours to do their shifts.

The contract states that you have until August 10th  to get your contract and payment in. I would hope that you would do it a little sooner. The sooner everyone gets their contracts in, the sooner I can start working on who will be where.

The space will be 10x10 with one 8 ft table. This means you have room to bring in additional displays.

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Re: Artist Alley Status- Please read before posting elsewhere
« Reply #46 on: May 02, 2009, 02:17:06 pm »
ah thank you that answered a lot of questions : ) so basically only have three of my artists fill out their form? that makes it a lot easyer on me.
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Re: Artist Alley Status- Please read before posting elsewhere
« Reply #47 on: May 03, 2009, 10:18:24 am »
Yeah, basically. :)

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Re: Artist Alley Status- Please read before posting elsewhere
« Reply #48 on: May 29, 2009, 11:40:18 pm »
Haaaaaay. Any ETA on when the AA attendees will be announced on the main site =o?

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Re: Artist Alley Status- Please read before posting elsewhere
« Reply #49 on: June 03, 2009, 11:01:23 pm »
Very, very soon. I am just waiting on a few more artists and I will be submitting the first round of names to put up on the website.