Okay, after searching through a couple of other threads, here's what I've gathered so far on who is going as who from Naruto. Please correct me as I skimmed the threads mostly.
Negima - Kakashi
Kurimono - Haku
Menchi - Hinata, Sakon
Friend of Menchi - Ukon
Friend of Menchi - Kimimaro
Friend of Zenn - Haku, Kin (maybe)
Friend of Zenn - Sasuke
Ronime - Sexy no Jutsu (of Sakura)
Aurora - Neji
BigGuy - Zabuza
Tengu - Jiraiya
Khaln - Ebisu
Dustin - Chouji, Jiroubou
Kyuubi - Kiba
iorichaos - Kakashi
otakusan - Itachi
Kuri-chan - Kin Tsuchi
Friend of Kuri-chan - Dosu
Friend of Kuri-chan - Zaku
Randompvg - Kabuto
Wife of randompvg - Tenten
BlitzAceTidus - Naruto
Kankuro of Sand - Kankuro
bluewolf sama - Gaara, one of the demon brothers (maybe)
Does that seem right so far?
I'm kinda surprised no one has said they're going as Naruto, Sasuke, or Sakura yet. (This part was posted before 3/28 )
(Update 4/28 ) We have ourselves a Naruto and Sakura (sexy no jutsu style)