Author Topic: Mind if I rant a bit now?(contents are a bit long btw)  (Read 1937 times)

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Offline tofutakeout

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Mind if I rant a bit now?(contents are a bit long btw)
« on: February 17, 2009, 06:35:42 pm »
I'm usually not a mean person. I have horrible, rude, critical thoughts but I keep them bottled up because I want to be nice. I want others to feel good because then it makes me feel good. but sometimes it depends on the person. now I'm low on cash, we all are really, but like all of you I need it for cosplays and other things like items for my well being and school. I'd get a job but I can't find one near me that is hiring or that I could easily get too. So I don't have a job but I'm young so it's fine. I try finding those one time gigs where I work for a bit then get paid like baby sitting or something.

now usually I get allowance. I was before we moved. since we've settled it still hasn't been started up again, and I must say, I DESERVE IT DAMN IT. I do all of the effing chores and everything beyond in this house. whilst doing my homework and other personal tasks. I do all my chores and extra things without anyone asking. Because I notice they need to be done.

My step mom always tells me to keep up on my grades which I do but she also asks me to do things for her sometimes if she needs help. Now I usually start up the dishes every night after dinner(and I do them periodically if NEEDED). She has a daughter who doesn't do lickity split. She has job but is home a lot. She doesn't pay rent and is 20. Now she sometimes does chores but only when persistently asked, and it's only like twice a month or so. D:<

So her daughter is also doing dishes tonight. I started them, cleaned up a bit, then went to my room to finish the task she had given me earlier(She asked me if I could sew something for her today and I said sure. and then she said she'd pay me and I tried so hard not to say 'you should pay me for all the **** I do anyways. I'm like a **** maid.') and to start my homework. She comes in saying 'the kitchen isn't done yet. go back in and work.' I sat and thought 'can't your daughter clean the kitchen this once by herself? like I do every single day? or is she too stupid to handle it?' Then when we're done she thanks her daughter for the work but says nothing to me. yet she constantly complains her daughter does nothing and is a lazy bum that needs to move out yet she does NOTHING about it.

Thanks for listening to my impossibly long rant but I needed to get it out and this was the best place to. all my friends from my school just say it'll be okay are really shallow about it.
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Offline KinkyFriedChicken

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Re: Mind if I rant a bit now?(contents are a bit long btw)
« Reply #1 on: February 17, 2009, 06:42:40 pm »
Awww. I read the whole thing. Im so sorry it gets this stressfull for you. >w<
Next time I come over I'll help out alot so it isnt as stressful for you....and and....I added up all my cosplays and found out I have $400 extra! So anything you want or need I can help you with okie day?
Dont forget im here for you any time you need help. 8D
~Sakuracon 2016

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Offline mangakaluna

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Re: Mind if I rant a bit now?(contents are a bit long btw)
« Reply #2 on: February 17, 2009, 06:43:55 pm »
D: You're lucky you at least get allowance! I have to clean a TON of stuff at home and don't get paid at all (bathrooms, clean the gutters, dust, vacuum, reorganize stuff, dishes, wash the dog, ect)

Meh, sounds like Step Mom needs to realize her kid has arms and legs as well.
Sure, she's 20 and works, but I have a job and school and I still do my chores.

Mom should make a list of the chores for her kid to do during the day/week and make her stick to it or get kicked out

Offline tofutakeout

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Re: Mind if I rant a bit now?(contents are a bit long btw)
« Reply #3 on: February 17, 2009, 06:46:34 pm »
your my sweetness hubby. <3 thanks for support and for reading the whole thing(whew even I was tired after wards) >_>

I'm fine for now. You really have that much left over? damn like even after hotel and what not?

She always tell her daughter to move out but it never happens. Well I mean I do the nasty chores too since no one else will. XP like pick up dog crap and clean the cat box everyday, etc. I'm sorry you don't get allowance. I don't get much but it helps.
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Offline KinkyFriedChicken

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Re: Mind if I rant a bit now?(contents are a bit long btw)
« Reply #4 on: February 17, 2009, 06:51:11 pm »
Lol anytime. I enjoyed reading it but it hurt me a little to know that you have to go through all that -huggles- ;_;
Yup. Surpriseingly 8D Sooooo Ima make sure joo stay happeh at sakuracon ^^
I also cant belive that your "sister" can do that to you all. DX It makes me a little mad that shes that lazy.
~Sakuracon 2016

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Offline jaybug

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Re: Mind if I rant a bit now?(contents are a bit long btw)
« Reply #5 on: February 17, 2009, 06:57:52 pm »
I have a small suggestion. Write down your list of grievances. Write them as if you were the one receiving them. You want to appear reasonable, not whiny and such. State your case firmly, and nicely. If you have to re-write it a few times in order to remove your emotions from the paper, do so. Then hand it to your step-mom in a calm moment. Not one that is already stressed. State what you do, not what your step-sister doesn't do. Write that you completely clean the kitchen and how often you are the one doing so. List all accomplishments you have done. Yeah, you wanna be pushing the envelop towards bragging. Remember you are not saying one word about your sis!

Detail your difficulties in obtaining work. And actively try to find work. List the hows and times of when, where you looked for work.

At the end of the piece, ask for your allowance back, if not ask for a raise.

Good luck
Have Fun


Offline tofutakeout

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Re: Mind if I rant a bit now?(contents are a bit long btw)
« Reply #6 on: February 17, 2009, 07:03:16 pm »
thank you sweetness. btw I just found out I have a fever. yay 8D

.....I'm going to do that now. A raise would be nice. my dad is trying to talk to her about getting me it again since she's the one in charge of the money. thanks for the advice. ;3
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Offline KinkyFriedChicken

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Re: Mind if I rant a bit now?(contents are a bit long btw)
« Reply #7 on: February 17, 2009, 07:04:25 pm »
OH MAI! DX I hope joo get better. ;_;
~Sakuracon 2016

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Offline Darknight2433

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Re: Mind if I rant a bit now?(contents are a bit long btw)
« Reply #8 on: February 17, 2009, 10:34:09 pm »
Awwwwww. ;~; That's not quite fair, is it? If I can do anything, tell me, though I'm a tad but useless.  :D

But yeah. I'm totally lucky for everything so of course I can't even begin to complain, but I hope it gets better for you. ^^

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Re: Mind if I rant a bit now?(contents are a bit long btw)
« Reply #9 on: February 18, 2009, 09:42:13 am »
That really sucks to hear... times are getting tough for everyone and i can only imagine the aditional stress its putting on you in this situation....

really i sugest attempting to talk to your step sister about it, and perhaps do less chores on your own and see if she does it or some one else.... it things are still tight with your familey consider a smaller alounce? I know i cant really sugest much cause i havent really been in your situation before but thats all i can think of.

untill then if you need to rant your friends are always here for you : ) sometimes what you need most is just a good session to yell or talk about it all.
returning with a vengeance to K con~

Offline jaybug

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Re: Mind if I rant a bit now?(contents are a bit long btw)
« Reply #10 on: February 18, 2009, 04:39:04 pm »
I hope you keep us posted. That way we may know what works and what doesn't.
Have Fun


Offline tofutakeout

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Re: Mind if I rant a bit now?(contents are a bit long btw)
« Reply #11 on: February 18, 2009, 05:28:27 pm »
so I'm going to talk to my dad tonight about the allowance. because trying to talk to my step mom about it might be awkward or troublesome. two adults would handle it better. besides it's not like I'm asking for a raise or something.

she hasn't gotten mad at me for not doing chores since I'm sick and what not.

that's the thing is my allowance isn't even that much. about 10-20 bucks a week and if you think about it that's not that much. considering 20 is how much is usually needed to go someplace.

lucky bum. XD
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Offline jaybug

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Re: Mind if I rant a bit now?(contents are a bit long btw)
« Reply #12 on: February 18, 2009, 06:20:58 pm »
That's why I say write things down. It makes it easier when confronting situations. It provides a degree of distance. Just remember to state facts, and not opinions! Use the legalese ideal of "what would a reasonable person do?" Should work out fine. It doesn't sound like you are living with trolls or something.
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Offline Daxe

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Re: Mind if I rant a bit now?(contents are a bit long btw)
« Reply #13 on: February 21, 2009, 10:38:27 am »
Check plaid pantry if you want a job, there is usually one within a mile of any location. Most of them are hiring. As for the step mom and her daughter? kill them. Then spawn camp them until they quit being bitches.