that is awsome that you know this about your self, too often its like playing out in the water and not realizing you can't swim until your feet arn't touching
Thanks. The water thing- is exactly what my friend is getting herself into and I don't know how to pull her back. I tried to tell her that she was making a mistake, and a lot of people think shes a $lut and I hate that thats how they see her, but when I attempted to say something, to make her try to realize what she was doing, she got very angry and told me she hated me. I mean, I apologized later, even though I still agree with what I said then, but I got told by other people that I just need to back off and let her make her mistakes. Do you know how hard it is to just sit back and watch someone you care about destroy herself?
I had a similar situation with a cousin of mine. He's gay, yeah I dont care but he was getting into the wrong thing with the wrong crowd and he was doing things I never thought possible for a teen like him.
Now when I visited Texas, I heard about what he was doing and how his parents werent doing anything about it.
You know what I did? (of course this is always my solution)
I kicked his @$$!
Now I know you most likely wouldnt do that to help your friend, but I did because I'm the most violent kid ever and it was fun but more than that I cared about what he was doing that could cost him his future.
He didnt stop what he was doing, but he was doing it less.
You know what I did after that?
I cut my wrist and told him thats my reminder for failing to help him in the only way I knew how.
He quit his crap then.