Hey! I'm brand new here. First time cosplayer, and sooo excited for KCon 2011!! I had originally thought of Yuna from X-2 (gunner), but that transformed into other stuff.
Eyes: Greenish/Blue (Willing to wear contacts)
Hair: Dark DAARK Brown/Black [Naturally straight/A little past collarbone](Willing to spray dye or buy a wig)
Height: 5'5(5'4?) (Willing to wear high heels)
Weight: 142lbs (but loosing. Willing to wear shorts/some midriff, but not to much in the plunging necklines department)
Likes: Final Fantasy (7, 8, 10, 10-2, 12, 13), Zelda (all, especially TP), Hayao Miyazaki, Tomb Raider, Mario, Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, Tamora Pierce Novels, Fiesta (Outspark), & Chibi Vampire.
Willing: Buy Contacts, Buy Wig(s?), Sew(as long as it's not to complicated), Build with cardboard(I made a stormwing costume. Cardboard? NP), Possibly Crossplay, Open-shirt bind, Short shorts, Corsets, Long nails, Body Spray Paint, Build weapons, etc.
http://i222.photobucket.com/albums/dd146/evil_xxx_eyes/40526_1315675982519_1549311945_30728794_6780492_n.jpghttp://i222.photobucket.com/albums/dd146/evil_xxx_eyes/045.jpgThanks for the help! (I've been lurking this thread for a while before posting, and I'm really enjoying it.)