All right, who's getting it? I preordered it the first day I could.
Eeeheehee. I haven't looked forward to a game this much since FFVIA. And even that was just the same game just ported--Platinum has a rewritten plot. And from what I understand, the Galactics (who, let's face it, are the best part of Sinnoh) are a lot eviler. Which, given their ultimate goal *already*, should be really awesome.
I've already got fic ideas about the Distortion World but I need to see how it plays out in the game. Not to mention holy crap I can send over a ton of stuff from Pearl (heeheehee, I can start with a Larvitar in my paaaaarty...). Also I eagerly await finding out if a certain detail about a character is in there or not (some people who've played it in Japanese swear that it says that Cyrus is 27, but other people swear that it says no such thing. I'm more inclined to believe that it *does* simply because the people who say it doesn't never say where the idea comes from, and that the age has shown up on Japanese sites which means it wouldn't be a translation error from an amatur playing it, but still, confirmation would be nice).
Yes I care far too much about the bad guys, but aren't they the best reasons to play RPGs?