Okay, so nikkiolie, Man of the Public and myself are the team leaders so far. Do three teams sound like enough, or should we go for an even four?
As for time limits, it was more directed towards each clue. Stating the time limit of how long the clue was any good before you'd want to give up and wait for the next one.
So, say you take a really weird picture - like of the hotel restaurant's menu (remember, the goal is to be sneaky with your clues) - and say something like "You have five minutes." (Like the Saw movies) That means the other teams have five minutes to figure out what the clue is (that's why the more cryptic the better) and get to the location.
If none of the teams figure it out in time, the IT team will move on to another location, take another picture, and send the second clue with yet another time limit.
The time limit and the deciphering are what make it epic in my opinion. xD