I cant wait for school to end...
I don't want school to end!
I don't wanna leave my school, EVER!
Well... not ever, but I don't want to leave it yet...
*starts crying just thinking about leaving*
I'm just gonna stop thinking about it.
i agree xD I dont want my school to end either.
I have mixed feelings.
this year i changed my group of friends and I becamea lot happier, my grades rapidly improved, and a lot of really great things happend to me and a big part of me doesnt want it to ever end. But Im also excited for summer when i get to dive into my cosplay work. so im really torn on how i feel right now with about a month left.
and since it sounds like your going into middle school; I know how you feel : )
I went to a school and had a lot of really really close friends, but then I changed to my neighborhood district for high school, and so I started at a school where I literally didnt know ANYONE. I really felt I was going to regret my dicision but high school has been a great experience, and its actualy alot of fun meeting all these new people. Ims ure you will enjoy it.