Author Topic: So tired of this stuff.  (Read 4653 times)

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Offline nikkiolie

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So tired of this stuff.
« on: March 11, 2009, 11:51:20 pm »
So apparently the things I plan are unoragnized and lead to chaos and are all about me >_>

Ok lets review the things I have done since I got here.

Picnic 1
Picnic 2
Early Con
x-mas meet-up
helped with the v-day
working on Picnic 3

And let us review these events. Picnic 1: about 60 people showed up and we had a blast. The tour bus of Japanese Tourists taking our picture was great. The only problem I saw was the lack of real food and too many sweets.

Picnic 2: This time we raised money before hand through a car wash and bought pizza for the group. On top of that it was also a surprise birthday party for a friend. Again everything went over quite well. Minor problems consisted of the bum joining our party when food was presented.

Early Con: I saw no problems with that. People were able to look through the hotel and get a feel for things as well as enjoy a nice day at the skating rink

x-mas party: This one was a little more disorganized mainly because people showed up late. We were going to start off by ice skating for about an hour or two then move upstairs for food and the cosplay contest. After that the people participating in the secret santa should have arrived and we could start that. Ok to start off the bat the skating rink was being used by a performance until two so we had to move upstairs to eat. Second a group of people left to go take pictures. While waiting for them to come back we decided to to the cosplay contest. After that group of people came back we were still waiting on those that were showing up late. After they finally showed up I got the pleasant surprise of finding out that one of the people who was supposed to show up didn't so we were short one gift. As you can see this party was a little disorganized but all of it was completely and utterly out of my control. So why the hell am I being blamed for it? Oh right, I know. The person who said all of this only went to this event and not the others.

v-day party: Helped a little with that but not too much

Picnic 3: Currently a work in progress. And according to this one person....this event is becoming disorganized because I am not "planing it through all the way" So I have this list of food that I need for it. And so far a lot of people volunteered to help. But the main thing I need (sandwiches) there is only one person doing that (me) and if there are going to be 60+ people again we are going to need quite a few sandwiches. To make matters even worse this is my dead week in college and I have a lot of stuff I need to do. I am trying to stay on the honer roll but isn't looking too good at this point. Finals are next week and when I make the simple comment that I don't really have time to ask people what to bring and keep track of it because I am busy with my classes I get chewed out.

After really thinking about it. Events don't take a lot of work to organize. Just get a time, place, what we are doing and possible food. But apparently if I don't make it completely packed with things to do it is not fun. I personally rather hang out with friends than constantly have something to do.

Also the comment came up that I am selfish. I guess you can say I am a little selfish. I really enjoy planing events. I treat each one of them like they are special. On top of that I am a very independent person. So I am a little offended and hurt when someone tries to take over an event I am planing. If you really want to plan something then plan something. I take a lot of pride in the events I do and I like the appreciation I get, and yes it may be a little selfish but I do not want to shear that with anyone else. I was always an unknown growing up and for once I am known for something and to have someone take that away hurts.

I have two main reasons for making this post. First off is to explain to this person that I have done a good job planing events and the one that they went to was disorganized but out of my control. Second is that if this doesn't change I do not think I will plan any more events because I really don't need the stress that comes with it.

With all that being said this is not meant to be an attack to anyone just letting people know how I am feeling at the moment and I would appreciate it if this would not be locked.

Offline nikkiolie

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Re: So tired of this stuff.
« Reply #1 on: March 12, 2009, 12:15:25 am »
Thanks that helps.

I think the main reason this person was upset is because they wanted to help but I told them that there really wasn't anything they could help with so I'm sure they were like "we'll if I planed this event this wouldn't have happened"

Offline nikkiolie

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Re: So tired of this stuff.
« Reply #2 on: March 12, 2009, 01:03:33 am »
It can be a little difficult to keep a large group under control. I think from now on though, I might only plan private parties where you have to be invited to go. And it would be much easier to control people at my house than say a mall :P

Offline pepito

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Re: So tired of this stuff.
« Reply #3 on: March 12, 2009, 02:04:12 am »
One thing I've noticed about your event posts is that they are a bit disorganized - it's very hard to get all the information you need unless you read the entire thread, which is often 10 - 12 pages long, I thing this deters folks from getting involved to a certain extent. I feel that the best way to do an event thread is to consantly update the first post in the thread, that way anyone can look at the first post and see exactly what is going on.

Here's an Example: (Taken with permission from Kamino Squad)

McMinnville UFO Parade - May 16th

I'm creating new thread per conversation with Paul so I can keep the details and roster updated.


Judging for competition starts at 11:30 so if we want to be included we need to be ready in costume at 11:30 sharp, which means meeting at 11 or earlier. I need to know if we have enough people interested to do this, I'll try to set up a poll. Even without that, everyone should plan on getting there by noon at the very latest to get suited up and we'll take some group shots before the parade.

There is a Hold Harmless agreement that must be signed as part of registration. I will post a copy of the text here. By signing up, you are agreeing to that document, as I will be signing for the group. Registration is $10 but that'll be covered by KS. We'll also be bringing candy along for everyone to hand out to kids, and plenty of bottled water.

New meeting place for those that have been there before:
845 NE 5th Street  (Enter on 8th street).

Here is the Video of last years troop - lots of fun

Hope for cloudy weather, we don't want another 100 degree day like last year!

? ALL entries must be UFO (alien) related. No religious or politically themed entries.
? Candy may not be THROWN from floats but may be HANDED OUT by people walking
along-side your float. Larger entries passing out candy must have people on BOTH
SIDES of the float.
? The ONLY animals allowed in this parade are equines, i.e. horses, mules, donkeys, and
ponies. No dogs or pets of any kind.
? All equine entries MUST provide a ?diaper? or their own ?pooper scooper? to follow their
entry in the parade.
? Parade entries may include automobiles, bicycles, tricycles, wagons, horses, marching
bands or any varying talents of an extraterrestrial nature.


Rebekah: TB
Jason: Jango
Steve: Boba
Michele: TB
Paul: IT'S A SECRET!!!!
Danielle: Slave Leia
Greg: TK
Justin: TK or sssSomething Else
Heather: Spotter
James: Sandtrooper
Chris: Boba Maybe
Cort: Rancor Keeper
Fatboy: Rancor
Carlos: Something New
Ole' Tony Kenobi
SigmaRue: Twi'lek or rebel pilot
Allan--TK or Jedi
Barry - Vader
Kevin - Jedi
Rob - TD
Dave - Something Awesome
Custom Mandos!!!!!
Jim - TK
Mini-Jim - TK
Christy - Mara Jade

Offline nikkiolie

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Re: So tired of this stuff.
« Reply #4 on: March 12, 2009, 07:28:26 am »
I do try to keep the first page updated. But you are new here. Untill recently you couldn't update any post that were about a month or so old. They have changed that now. As for the information on the first page the only real stuff that the people need to know is the time, place, and what we are doing. Which if you go to the picnic it is all there.

Its about that time again. Just finished up the Christmas party now onto the next big event. I was thinking another picnic was in store. The date I have in mind are March 28th at 10 am(I believe that will be during spring break).

I want to do this a little differently. I want to assign people to bring some food that way we will have a well balanced choice of food ^_^

So if anyone is willing to help me bring food that would be great. As time gets a little closer I will start making a list of foods that people would like. Also fell free to comment what kinds of food you would like to have. So far I was thinking:

finger sandwiches

the food should be things that people can eat with their hands.

If you are interested on going let me know and I will add you to a list (just to get an idea of the number of people who will be there). I was hoping that this could be outside but we may have to find a place inside to have it.

Feel free to also suggest possible games and what not we can do while at the picnic. Apples to apples is always fun as well as twister.
Also the date is up for debate ;D

Oh wow look at all that information that supposedly isn't available on the first post. So far the only really unclear thing seems to be the location. And as stated in there it would be nice to be outside but it could be inside due to the rain. I think the only thing I really need to change is that. I really don't want to tell people a location until a know what the weather is going to be like. It seems with a lot of people on this forum I really have to hold their hand and walk them through every step. If I just tell them all at once. Make sure the place is posted on every page AND the first then everything should be fine.

But again, for the other events I had to ask a mod to edit the first post because about a month into it (and I like to plan events several months in advance) I would no longer be able to edit my first post. As you can see that has been changed.

Offline Daxe

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Re: So tired of this stuff.
« Reply #5 on: March 12, 2009, 08:42:11 am »
So I havent really been to any of your events, except I did go and get my car washed to support your cosplay group.
imho I never really saw much if any meetups until just before, during or just after the con. Cosplay was almost like a
holiday thing, however with the reoccurring cosplay events you've put on, at least for an onlooker such as myself I
see it as more and more of a regular hobby. Which honestly? I think is doing a lot of good for both cosplay in general,
the cons, and nerdom all around. More power too you, keep doing what you do.

Offline Trumby

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Re: So tired of this stuff.
« Reply #6 on: March 12, 2009, 10:42:41 am »
I haven't actually gone to any of your meetups, but from the reaction I've seen outside of the meetup threads (as I don't read them) has always been good.

Pepito, I think the big difference between these meetups and more or less anything 501st related (Is the Kamino Squad 501st?) is the age difference in the general populace attending. Not that I'm making fun of the younger attendees of the cosplay meetups and all that, but with younger people it is harder to get them to see what you want or to all want to do the same thing. Younger folks generally want to do their own thing..even if it is at a meetup designed to do a certain thing <.<

Or it could be you've just found someone who cannot be happy with anything you do ;)
2011 New Cosplay Plans: Boba Fett, Hoshi (Arakawa Under the Bridge), Malcolm Reynolds

Offline nikkiolie

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Re: So tired of this stuff.
« Reply #7 on: March 12, 2009, 11:06:08 am »
Also not sure if I said this here or somewhere else. But planing an event at a mall is hard to do. I just found out that you need to clear it with security. Also, to make it even worse there is a lot going on at a mall and it is hard to yell and keep everyone's attention.

But I have taken some suggestions into consideration. From now on I will try to keep the first post updated. I will also try to plan things in places that it is easier to control a large crowd. It is much easier to get peoples attention outside than inside a loud mall x.x

I am happy to take any more suggestions as well.

Offline pepito

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Re: So tired of this stuff.
« Reply #8 on: March 12, 2009, 01:30:51 pm »
Oh wow look at all that information that supposedly isn't available on the first post. So far the only really unclear thing seems to be the location. And as stated in there it would be nice to be outside but it could be inside due to the rain. I think the only thing I really need to change is that. I really don't want to tell people a location until a know what the weather is going to be like. It seems with a lot of people on this forum I really have to hold their hand and walk them through every step. If I just tell them all at once. Make sure the place is posted on every page AND the first then everything should be fine.

But again, for the other events I had to ask a mod to edit the first post because about a month into it (and I like to plan events several months in advance) I would no longer be able to edit my first post. As you can see that has been changed.

I could have done with out those lines... moreover you have been updating your first posts now, they look a lot better. Good job. 

I know you post a lot on here... we all know that... your post count is ri-donk-u-lous, so it goes that every new member here is going to have some discourse with you rather quickly. You might even be one of the first people they talk to... perhaps taking the time to choose your words a little more carfully is in order. I for one, do not like to be talked down to. I may be new here, but I organize a lot of events, both online and in real life as part of my job, so I know a touch about this subject, and flow of information is key.

Having all of the event information in one little neat spot is the absolute best thing you can do to ensure an events success.

I am truely glad that you are starting to do this with your events, I'm sure they will things will go a lot smoother, and I doubt you'll get people complaing to you about disorganization.

Also not sure if I said this here or somewhere else. But planing an event at a mall is hard to do. I just found out that you need to clear it with security. Also, to make it even worse there is a lot going on at a mall and it is hard to yell and keep everyone's attention.

But I have taken some suggestions into consideration. From now on I will try to keep the first post updated. I will also try to plan things in places that it is easier to control a large crowd. It is much easier to get peoples attention outside than inside a loud mall x.x

I am happy to take any more suggestions as well.

I've organized a few mall events in my day and working with security is a hassle to say the least. It's usually a good idea to okay things with the venue first. Think of it this way, imagine that this is someones first event, and they get kicked out of the mall, or worse yet arrested... how is that going to make you, the event organizer, feel and how is it going to reflect on K-Con.

I don't think hide and seek at the mall is a bad idea, I just think you'll have a tough time selling it to the mall. Also, if you don't get thier permission I see you guys having the potential to get in trouble.
« Last Edit: March 12, 2009, 01:44:46 pm by pepito »

Offline nikkiolie

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Re: So tired of this stuff.
« Reply #9 on: March 12, 2009, 01:35:36 pm »
Yeah the first line could have been a little harsh and the second line wasn't directed at you. Obviously I saw that before you changed it :P. Sorry if I came off as a little mean, I have been on edge lately. The second part of me holding people's hand was more of directed at the people that ask when and where an event is every two or three posts. Usually it is the same people several times so I feel like "alright lets take out our calendars and get our pencils ready. Ok this event is on this day and at this Billy (made up name) don't erase it. This is for future use so you wont ask me anymore" These aren't the people that ask me once, but SEVERAL times. I guess I could be too sensitive to all this >_>;
« Last Edit: March 12, 2009, 01:35:53 pm by nikkiolie »

Offline Aima_Lucavi

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Re: So tired of this stuff.
« Reply #10 on: March 12, 2009, 01:41:39 pm »
I apologize for what I said.  You do really really well at these sorts of things.  I think what had me upset is that what you were saying for the Xmas party thing that had me upset was that I was "Ruining your fun" and other similiar seemingly selfish ((too many S words)) comments that when the thing got disorganized even tho i was trying to help i came to the assumption that you were disorganized (and also self centered).  But i really shouldn't judge you on one event and have already apologized, so enough ranting ^^
sakuracon 09 cosplays:
Zetta-makai kingdom
Jim- Outlaw star
kcon 09 cosplays:
no freakin clue

All I want is for everyone too have fun and be happy. I don't see how that makes me a bad person.

Offline nikkiolie

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Re: So tired of this stuff.
« Reply #11 on: March 12, 2009, 01:44:34 pm »
Yeah no problem. Last night was stressful enough for me even with out this whole issue on the forum. I have gotten over it yet I still want other people to hear my concerns. I still would like to hear suggestions of things I can do better.

Offline pepito

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Re: So tired of this stuff.
« Reply #12 on: March 12, 2009, 01:48:56 pm »
Yeah the first line could have been a little harsh and the second line wasn't directed at you. Obviously I saw that before you changed it :P. Sorry if I came off as a little mean, I have been on edge lately. The second part of me holding people's hand was more of directed at the people that ask when and where an event is every two or three posts. Usually it is the same people several times so I feel like "alright lets take out our calendars and get our pencils ready. Ok this event is on this day and at this Billy (made up name) don't erase it. This is for future use so you wont ask me anymore" These aren't the people that ask me once, but SEVERAL times. I guess I could be too sensitive to all this >_>;

I accidentlly hit post before I meant too then went back and changed it... so now we have some out of order posting.... oopsie

What you said there is exactly why you needs date/time or possible date/time or a statment saying "There is no date/time yet so don't ask" in the first post. People get excited about things and then they will hound you for information. :P

I'm not going to go back and fix my previous post - looks like we just had a minor head bump there... so no worries eh?

Offline nikkiolie

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Re: So tired of this stuff.
« Reply #13 on: March 12, 2009, 01:51:12 pm »
Yeah I guess that makes sense. Also I like to get peoples advice on the day and time so there are a few times when I flat out forget to post it on the first page because we will already be 10 or so pages into the discussion of the event :P

Offline Aima_Lucavi

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Re: So tired of this stuff.
« Reply #14 on: March 12, 2009, 01:52:27 pm »
And thats big of you to say and mean that.

If I may offer my personal opinion than It may be best to establish a group to set up everything so that the burden doesn't always fall upon one person.  With no one officially taking charge but people performing their duties in harmony like a well functioning machine than the stress of one person doesn't have to lead to chaos, and that with everyone officially helping eachother and no one allowing egos to get in the way ((a personal problem of mine that I try very hard to work on)) things can happen more regularly to a larger and more epic scale, and with more of a sense of order.  Kind of like a greek senate ((or jedi counsel, lol)).

Of course the whole things a lilttle more complicated than that but thats the basics of /an/ idea... ^^
sakuracon 09 cosplays:
Zetta-makai kingdom
Jim- Outlaw star
kcon 09 cosplays:
no freakin clue

All I want is for everyone too have fun and be happy. I don't see how that makes me a bad person.

Offline jaybug

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Re: So tired of this stuff.
« Reply #15 on: March 12, 2009, 06:35:34 pm »
Lemme see, it takes about a captain in the army to be in command of about 60 people. Just a guess, being a former navy guy. Navy is too variable. Anyway, what I am thinking is that if you are getting 60 or more people, you need to think about delegating authority. Giving someone a committee to be in charge of the stuff in that committee, so you can devote time to other things. You shouldn't have to do it all yourself, even if you are doing a great job. But then organizing is what got House Speaker Pelosi her position, according to my mother.

Break things down e.g. car wash committee, food committee, mall security liason committee. Hold as many of those committee chairmanships as you like, or as few, the chairman of the board, just ensures that the committees are keeping the other committees aware of what and where the others are at in their planning.

Sorry if I am telling you how to eat your own elephant. I had no idea you have been getting 60 to show up. So take anything I say to you with a grain of salt.

It won't be long before you have a con within the con.
Have Fun


Offline nikkiolie

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Re: So tired of this stuff.
« Reply #16 on: March 12, 2009, 06:46:26 pm »
Yeah that makes sense but I can just see one of these "committees" falling through then the blame would be put on me. I guess if I got one person to help me out. I figure out of all the people that I know the one that could help me the most is Sahara >_>

I'll ask her the next time I talk to her if she would be willing to help out for the next event.

Offline Syd-chan

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Re: So tired of this stuff.
« Reply #17 on: March 12, 2009, 06:47:41 pm »
Since this seems like the right place, I just want to say a few things.

First of all, Nikkiolie, I love what you do. You make cosplay a year round hobby, like someone already said, and not just an annual indulgence. You're very good at planning events, and organize them wonderfully. I know it's hard because you can't edit your posts after one week. @.@ Plus, you have school on top of that.

You're a nice person, stand up for yourself and others, are organized, and a great cosplayer. : | I don't see why people would have any problems with you, but that's just how life is, I suppose.

Secondly, I just wanted to let you know that I really appreciate you taking time out of your schedual to do what you do.

Offline Aima_Lucavi

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Re: So tired of this stuff.
« Reply #18 on: March 12, 2009, 07:22:46 pm »
if the committees are official than the blame doesnt get put on you. in fact one of the better things about them is that they create a net where no one person is responsible for everything. i agree that you are exceptionally good but no one person has all the time necessary to do everything.

Tho instead of just makeing committees for each individual event for the sake of effectiveness and to make this no one persons burden would it not be best to set up a general committee for the sake of doing everything?  With an equal share of power comes an equal share of credit/blame no?
sakuracon 09 cosplays:
Zetta-makai kingdom
Jim- Outlaw star
kcon 09 cosplays:
no freakin clue

All I want is for everyone too have fun and be happy. I don't see how that makes me a bad person.

Offline nikkiolie

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Re: So tired of this stuff.
« Reply #19 on: March 12, 2009, 07:31:10 pm »
if you want to do that then go right ahead and do it. I think with the little planning that is involved with these events I think me and Sahara can handle it.

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Re: So tired of this stuff.
« Reply #20 on: March 12, 2009, 07:33:48 pm »
Nikkiolie you are doing a great job with these events. I don't see anyone else planning picnics and such. Me and the kids will try our hardest to make it to this event.

Offline nikkiolie

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Re: So tired of this stuff.
« Reply #21 on: March 12, 2009, 07:41:49 pm »
Thanks ^_^. I hope you can make it as well. I always love seeing you and the kids ^_^

Offline jaybug

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Re: So tired of this stuff.
« Reply #22 on: March 12, 2009, 08:25:22 pm »
Checks and Balances; you need to have some way to "trust but verify" that the job is being done i.a.w. "the plan". Also, you need to be able to call upon major back-up should the committee person pooh the screwch.

You have a very good thought to have just you and Sahara to start. What the next step to do is, hiring staff. Oh yeah. Fun, fun, fun. Start small, and I don't mean Chibi. Have a couple hired hands, that are willing and able to work. Give them more tasks, responsibilities as they prove themselves. Hopefully this will enable you in future to dream up more elaborate fun events. I'd just be sure they know they are working for you, not vice versa. But don't do that every 5 minutes, ya know?

PM me, if you have specific problems, that no one else has helped with.
Have Fun


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Re: So tired of this stuff.
« Reply #23 on: March 12, 2009, 08:28:20 pm »
Yeah that makes sense ;D

I think it would be a huge step just to let Sahara help out. She is helping me think of some stuff for the picnic too ^_^ We are trying to think of a place that we can have it if it rains. The malls wont work >_>;

Offline Aima_Lucavi

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Re: So tired of this stuff.
« Reply #24 on: March 12, 2009, 09:08:29 pm »
if you want to do that then go right ahead and do it. I think with the little planning that is involved with these events I think me and Sahara can handle it.

Alright. Than I hereby make an official challenge.  The Race to make things truly epic.  You already do as much as you can and since you dont seem to want to collaborate with me I shall throw my own separate hat into the ring.  I believe this is what I have been wanting all along.  A little event planning excitement to light this sub community an epic blaze


Thank you ^^
sakuracon 09 cosplays:
Zetta-makai kingdom
Jim- Outlaw star
kcon 09 cosplays:
no freakin clue

All I want is for everyone too have fun and be happy. I don't see how that makes me a bad person.

Offline jaybug

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Re: So tired of this stuff.
« Reply #25 on: March 12, 2009, 10:10:56 pm »
Oaks Park. Rain or shine, they have the places to have picnics and such. Just one example of NOT MALLS.

Um, Rose test garden has a picnic shelter. So does the Rhododendron test garden by Reed college.

You could read Hemingway's A Traveling Feast for ideas, maybe....maybe not. lol

Have you picked the brains of the people who put on the Valentine's Day dances?

Maybe you ought to be the K-Con official off season party committee chair? You are certainly racking up the experience points, eh?

Have Fun


Offline nikkiolie

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Re: So tired of this stuff.
« Reply #26 on: March 12, 2009, 10:12:30 pm »
I don't think I could handle the stress.

Offline Aima_Lucavi

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Re: So tired of this stuff.
« Reply #27 on: March 12, 2009, 10:15:07 pm »
you are pretty good at this stuff. and people do want to help make things flourish. just try to be nicer.
sakuracon 09 cosplays:
Zetta-makai kingdom
Jim- Outlaw star
kcon 09 cosplays:
no freakin clue

All I want is for everyone too have fun and be happy. I don't see how that makes me a bad person.

Offline DemonSpawn

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Re: So tired of this stuff.
« Reply #28 on: March 12, 2009, 10:39:54 pm »
For the record Nikki, I had a lot of fun at all the events you planned that I went to, which was most of them.
I miss 2010.

Offline nikkiolie

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Re: So tired of this stuff.
« Reply #29 on: March 12, 2009, 10:41:32 pm »
Thanks ^_^ I think most people do.

Offline DemonSpawn

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Re: So tired of this stuff.
« Reply #30 on: March 12, 2009, 10:42:47 pm »
I know Alyssa (Invader Spleen) likes 'em too. she doesn't go on the forums anymore but always manages to know about your events. XD
I miss 2010.

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Re: So tired of this stuff.
« Reply #31 on: March 12, 2009, 10:43:57 pm »
That is quite funny....others seem to do the same XD

Offline DemonSpawn

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Re: So tired of this stuff.
« Reply #32 on: March 12, 2009, 11:05:04 pm »
Yeah, I haven't been on for like a month. o.o Apparently I missed a lot though.
I miss 2010.

Offline nikkiolie

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Re: So tired of this stuff.
« Reply #33 on: March 12, 2009, 11:07:21 pm »
Yeah apparently you have XD