Is anyone else coming as a manga-only character, or a mangaverse version of someone?
Diamond and Pearl Adventure
-Cyrus's DPA uniform is awesome. The long coat is cooler than his gameverse jacket
-You can be a Galactic grunt who DOESN'T look like everybody else if you generously pad the seat of your pants
-Too buxom to be Dawn but love the outfit? Mitsumi is your answer! Plus everyone loves green hair.
--Mitsumi also provides an...interesting alternate. And I'm not talking about her contest dress. Wait for volume 4 to come out next month and you'll see what I mean.
-If you can't decide between a Pokemon costume or a Dragon Ball costume, go as Hareta. DPP male lead but acts like Kid Goku? Oh yeah.
-Flint has a sports car full of fiiiiine ladies. This probably has nothing to do with why you should cosplay DPA but it's worth mentioning.
-Special is the only continuity where cosplaying Pryce will get you any respect
-What to do with that straw hat besides another Luffy? Go as Yellow!
-Green (male character)'s outfit in some parts includes Badass Cape
-Lance wears jeans with *his* cape--badass *and* comfortable!
-Archie and Maxie go magically induced psycho, complete with weirdo outfit changes.
-"Leaf" (Blue, female) is a con artist who hides pokéballs in her shirt.
-Surge gets to finally dress like a commando and Koga like an ARMORED ninja
-Sabrina gets an...interesting addition to her wardrobe. She looks good in white, I gotta say. Especially the white of a ROCKET UNIFORM
-Demon Prince Silver. That is all.
Everything Else
-Red from Pocket Monsters has the rudest Clefairy ever. Want to be a cuddly jackass?
-How I Became A Pokemon Card has Teenage Badass Giovanni, Airheaded Erika (I need you!), Adorable Little Rocket Wannabe (complete with homemade uniform), that guy from the Underground Expedition card (his name's Junk. No I'm not kidding), a musical miko, a Safari Zone employee, a cadre of scientists (including a hulking bruiser and a girl with the required swirly glasses), etc, etc, etc...
-Magical Pokemon Journey has a magical girl outfit, an Articuno with an apron, a guy whose outfit consists of a black cloak (the artist made fun of him frequently because his design was SO simple she never needed to check her back issues), a MERMAID, and pokemon with more personality than they get in really anything else
And that's just five comics.