Just don't get yourself to pumped up. Your profile says you are from California. Are you planning to attend the con this year? If so GREAT we will be glad to have you come. I just want to give you a bit of advice. Don't start imagining how great it will be. If you start doing that, then you are guaranteed to be dissapointed in the real thing, and it will ruin the whole experience for you. NOTHING is as great as what we can imagine or dream. On the other hand, if you don't expect a lot, when you show up you have a great time because then everything is better than you expected.
California has some of the LARGEST cons in the US. If you have attended any of those, you may think Portland is tiny. You may also think Portland is more fun because it isn't as crowded. It all has to do with perspective.
In the end. Pleasant dreams. Don't get to wild with your cosplay, and remember, it is cosplay, you can't really fly and shoot beams of energy, and hypnotise people, and cut bullets with a katana, that is all make believe. But you can dream about it all you want.