July 14, 2006 -
Happy Birthday Brian!
That’s right, today is our phantom Relations Director’s BIRTHDAY! When Brian isn’t busy keeping airplanes in top shape, he’s diligently gathering guests for the convention. Wish him the best at relations@kumoricon.org.
July 10, 2006 -
Advertisment Deadline Extended
The deadline for advertising in the convention program guide has been extended to July 30th. If you are interested in placing an ad, please see the forms section of the site.
July 2, 2006 -
July Meeting - LANIME!!!
Our meeting will be July 22nd from 12-2 in Building 9 of the the Salem Chemeketa College campus.
Once again, we are hooking up with our friends from Chemeketa College as they bring us the fabulous LAN party LANime.
In addition to the usual gaming and viewing, there will be a Japanese style game show
The party runs from 2-midnight and includes anime, LAN gaming, console gaming, manga, Hong Kong Film, tabletop gaming, etc., and the GAME SHOW with Sumo Wrestling, Karaoke, Fire Ramen Bowl, etc. from 5-7pm which will likely be appearing on local broadcast channel 52 after we edit and cut it for viewing.
Also they are buying some disposable plates, cups, utensils, and we are encouraging folks to bring GOOD potluck, not just chips..
Of course this is the second to last meeting before the convention (only one in August, to make room for the web design retreat), so bring your questions, comments, friends and relatives, and any items that need completion before the convention.
June 7, 2006 -
June General Meeting
When: June 24, 2006 2pm
Where: Gateway Buffet Chinese Resturant
3198 Gateway Street
Springfield OR, 97477
Tel: 541-726-2828
We will be breaking into groups once more, so come prepared to plan. More agenda items to come.
May 28, 2006 -
Live from Fanime
Hello from Fanimecon in San Jose, CA. 
The staff is awesome! They helped with a snafu with table arrangements in a most professional and expediant way.
The viewing rooms are very diverse.
Several of the vendors here will be at Kumoricon.
They have an Internet cafe where people can connect on their laptops. (Hence, this post.)
Someone stole the mascot’s umbrella.
Other conventions are a great place to gather contact information for potential vendors and guests, sell ad space and registrations, and get the word out about Kumoricon. Representing Kumoricon on your next con adventure can benefit the convention, and earn you some perks, such as free admission. Contact personnel at personnel@kumoricon.org for more information on joining staff.
May 24, 2006 -
Updated Guests
Take a moment to view the updated guests area at the link above! We are very proud to have a fantastic selection of guests at con this year, including:
Tiffany Grant
Greg and Elizabeth Dean
Piano Squall
The list keeps growing, and we will get even more info up as it is received.
May 22, 2006 -
Yes, it is David the Vice Chair/ Gaming Coordinators birthday.
He has been celebrating with friends since last Friday, and is currently cursing Meg (the Chair) for learning how to use Wordpress to make posts.
Thank you, David, for all your hard work.
May 21, 2006 -
Wireless cloud at the hotel
Don’t forget to bring your laptops to scout out the coverage to the General Meeting. I’m posting from the meeting room and the signal is great. It will redirect you to Red Lion’s page but after that you are free to roam online wherever you like.
May 11, 2006 -
Kumoricon will be at Fanime (May 26-29), with the lovely mascot (aka. Cosplay Conchair) manning the table. Our friends from Sakuracon will be sharing the table. If you belong to either convention’s staff, be sure to stop by. We will be running registration, have fun stuff available to the general public, and will display one of the items available for sale at the Kumoricon charity auction, a GIANT Kumoricon Poster!
We look forward to seeing you there!
April 23, 2006 -
Kumoricon was a hit at Uwajimaya Sakura Festival! Many people showed up in cosplay, bringing a lot of attention to the Kumoricon booth. Final result: we registered a total of 31 people, only three of which were staff. This was a tremendous turnout for our first year at this event.
Thanks to the staff who organized the booth, and to all of you who registered for the con!
Please check back occasionally for updates on the next Kumoricon Event!
April 19, 2006 -
Correction to Uwajimaya festival dates
The Uwajimaya festival is only going to be one day, April 22nd, unlike as previously noted. Sorry about the mixup. You can check their site www.uwajimaya.com for more information.
April 16, 2006 -
Uwajimaya Sakura Festival
April 22, 2006 Kumoricon will be at the Uwajimaya Sakura Festival in Beaverton. We have a booth and several people are showing up in full-on cosplay (including the chair!) There will be a lot to do, as Uwajimaya has invited many vendors to represent all things Uwajimaya. You can register for the convention in person as well. The event starts at 9am both days. We would love to see you there. Be sure to stop by and help spread the word of Kumoricon!