April 23, 2007 – Tier 2 Registration ends on Monday
That’s right: you have 6 days to register before the price goes up to $35. If you pre-register after Monday, you will not receive your badge until August (or at the Convention if you opt for Will Call).
We’ve just passed 400 preregistrations. With so many registrations at Sakura-Con, Sakura Fest, and online in the past few weeks, we can see increased excitement this year over last.
So register today! Let’s shoot to get 600 registrations by Monday, 11:59 pm!
Update: The day of week was previously incorrectly stated as Sunday. The last day of the tier is actually Monday, April 30. We apologize for the error.
April 20, 2007 – KumoriContent Newsletter Launches for 2007
Announcing the first issue of the KumoriContent newsletter for 2007! Intended for current and future attendees and staff, the newsletter keeps up interest in the con throughout the year and highlights special aspects of Kumoricon. Our dedicated staff and volunteers have written several articles with a special emphasis on the fan-centered activities of the con.
As a special surprise, two new guests of honor are announced in the newsletter. We’ll post their info in the guests area of the web site shortly, but until then, the newsletter is the only place to find out the new guests we have planned for Kumoricon!
The newsletter is primarily distributed online. Here is the direct download/viewing link [PDF].
We’ll have sample printed copies on display at our booth at the Uwajimaya Sakura Festival on Saturday, April 21. Stop by to take a look! (Due to printing costs, we can’t hand out copies, but you can read it at our table.) Along with the articles, the newsletter features important details about Kumoricon including the dates, registration details, location, and a general meeting schedules, so those browsing at the festival can quickly learn the important info.
April 16, 2007 – Uwajimaya Festival on April 21
Kumoricon will have a booth at the Uwajimaya Sakura Festival at the Beaverton location on Saturday, April 21. We will be selling memberships at our table with your badge printed on the spot.
This is a great volunteer opportunity to help out Kumoricon. Earn volunteer hours by manning the table, helping with registrations, and answering questions. If you are interested in volunteering, please contact volunteers@kumoricon.org.
The festival runs from 10am to 5pm on Saturday, April 21. If you are volunteering, setup starts a bit earlier. For the address and directions, please see the event in the calendar.
April 1, 2007 – Sakura-Con April 6-8
That’s right folks! This weekend, our big sister up north is celebrating 10 fan-tastic years of anime conventions. This year promises to be the best, with exciting new guests, over 1000 hours of programming, and all the old standards we’ve come to love.
Kumoricon will be in attendance, with at-con registration. Those who register for Kumoricon at Sakura-Con will have their badges printed on the spot! Be sure to stop by, as the $30 tier will end April 30th.
We wish great attendance, round-the-clock fun, and all the best to Sakura-con. Special thanks as well for their cooperation in our April Fool’s fun. The color may be in jest, but the con is no joke! Follow the link in our sidebar for more information.
Update, April 2: If you missed it, see our gallery for screen shots.
March 23, 2007 – Announcing The Slants!
Our first musical guests for 2007, Kumoricon welcomes The Slants to come and perform! Head on over to the Guests page for more information!
March 10, 2007 – Kumoricon Policies Available
The Kumoricon convention policies have been posted. These are subject to change until the con, but will likely remain much the same. You can read them and ask questions at the March general meeting on Sunday.
March 8, 2007 – Staff Area Launched
The staff area of the web site has now launched. Officially registered staff members have each received an email message containing a username and password to access the area. You can log in by clicking the “Staff” button on the left sidebar.
If you have not received this email, it might be because of one of the following reasons:
- Your email address has changed since you submitted your registration form.
- Your email address was written incorrectly, or we transcribed it incorrectly.
- There is a problem with your mail system receiving the message. (The message will be sent from wordpress@kumoricon.org.)
- You have not actually registered as staff. (You are not considered official staff until submitting the form signed by your director.)
- Forms submitted after the February meeting might not have been entered yet. We will create accounts for these shortly after the March meeting.
If you have not received the message about your staff account but are registered staff, please email webmaster@kumoricon.org and include your name and the email address that you want to use with the staff account (if you don’t specify, we’ll assume it’s the email address from which you sent the message). If you know that your email address has changed, please include the old address also. Thank you!
March 1, 2007 – March General Meeting Date Changed
The date of the March general meeting has changed. It is now Sunday, March 11 instead of Saturday, March 10. The time of day (2pm to 5pm) and location (Salem Public Library) remain the same. Please view the calendar link for full details.
Update: The room is Anderson B.
February 21, 2007 – The Kumoricon Update
This post brings you three news updates:
Kumoricon had a successful booth presence over the last two weekends at two Asian-themed events: The Asian Celebration in Eugene and the Chinese New Year Cultural Fair in Portland. These were great opportunities where we reached out to new audiences and promoted Kumoricon to potential attendees and vendors. Thank you to all the staff and volunteers who manned the booths over these two events. Kumoricon extends a special thank you to Copic Marker for sharing their booth with us at the Asian Celebration.

Visit our gallery for photos of the Chinese New Year Cultural Fair.
The information page has been updated with our new Kumoricon 2007 promotional article, written by Maura Lydon, the winner of the contest to re-write the info page.
An update on general meetings: All previously-announced general meetings that were to take place in the Salem, OR area have now had an exact location set: The Salem Public Library, which was the location of the January meeting. (The Salem general meeting are those in March, May, and June. All meetings after this until the con are at the hotel.) Please refer to the calendar for full details on meeting dates, times, locations, and maps.
February 8, 2007 – February General Meeting in Eugene
The exact location of the February general meeting has been set:
DIVA classroom (Downtown Initiative for the Visual Arts)
110 W Broadway
Eugene, OR 97401
Google Maps

(enlarge photo)
The meeting will be from 2pm to 5pm and is open to the public.
Thanks to Copic Marker for arranging for us to use this space! The meeting directly follows a manga character drawing class from 12noon to 2pm.
Update: Those interested can attend the Manga Character Drawing for Teens class from 12noon to 2pm before the meeting. The cost of the class is $25.