Kumoricon - Oregon's Anime Convention - Labor Day Weekend, Saturday-Monday - August 30-September 1, 2008
Swing Dance
Con photo
« August 2008 »
« September 2008 »

Cosplay Contest Rules


  • Each entrant must have a Kumoricon 2008 badge.
  • Each entrant must read and agree to follow all rules of the Cosplay contest.
  • By registering for the Cosplay contest, all participants agree to allow Kumoricon to use their images for promotional purposes, both photographs and video. Photographs of winning entries will be shown at the Kumoricon closing ceremonies.
  • Kumoricon regular staff may enter Cosplay contest as long as staff-related responsibilities are fulfilled.
  • Board members of Altonimbus may not compete in the Cosplay contest.

General Information

  • You may surprise the audience, but NEVER SURPRISE THE CREW.
  • No fire, flame, smoke, fog, dry ice, wind machines, lasers, pressurized gases or liquids.
  • No messy substances—wet, dry, or oily—in the green room or on stage.
  • No jumping on or off stage—please use the officially designated stage entrances and exits. Stage ninjas will be present to assist performers on and off stage.
  • Kumoricon is a family friendly event. Content should not go beyond PG-13.
    • No profanity.
    • No excessive violence.
    • No sexual activity or contact—real or implied.
    • No nudity.
    • All sexual jokes must have a non-sexual interpretation that is at least as obvious as the sexual one, especially to someone who hasn’t seen the anime or game being referenced.
    • No yaoi, yuri, or hentai.
    • All content is subject to review by the Cosplay Manager.
  • Smoking is prohibited in all convention areas.
  • Entrants must abide by the Convention Weapons policy. All weapons must be peace bonded and approved. Pointing weapons at anyone not in your Cosplay group will NOT be tolerated. Cosplay Manager must approve any actions involving weapons.
  • All convention policies must be upheld during the entirety of the Cosplay competition. Anyone breaking Kumoricon rules will be disqualified and reported to Ops.
  • Anyone who does not show up for rehearsal on time will be disqualified. Rehearsals are for costume judging and running through technical requirements (music, lighting, sound, etc). Please come prepared.
  • If all 35 slots are full, there will be a waiting list for additional entrants. If anyone drops out or is disqualified then those on the waiting list will be allowed entrance on a first come, first serve basis.
  • If for whatever reason one contestant is removed from competition for any violation the entire group will be disqualified as well.
  • All decisions made by the Cosplay manager or programming director are final and may only be changed by a formal challenge though operations.
  • No harassment, making fun of others’ costumes, or destruction of costumes.


The contest consists of two separately judged sections: Skits and Costume Workmanship.

  • Entrants may enter one of the judged sections or both.
    • Walk-on presentations are required for entrants who wish to participate in only the Costume workmanship section.
    • Each contestant will appear in only one skit or one walk-on entry.
  • Entrants may enter in different categories for Skits and Costume Workmanship.
  • All entries must reflect the theme of the convention—anime, video games, manga, and Asian culture.
  • Skits will be judged based on the performance of the whole group.
  • Skit awards are for performances only and reflect the quality of the performance.
  • If an entrant is entering only the Skit portion of the Cosplay contest then with permission of Cosplay Manager a costume not constructed by a member of the group may be used.
  • Skits for 1-5 participants shall be no longer than 3.5 minutes; skits with more than 5 participants may be allowed up to 5 minutes for performance, at the Cosplay Manager’s discretion.
  • Pre-recorded music and dialogue are preferred and strongly encouraged.
    • Do not submit valuable original CDs. Bring multiple copies of your CD to ensure that a backup of your music / dialogue is available. Kumoricon is not responsible for damage to or loss of CDs.
    • Clearly label CD with name, badge number and entry number. This will help ensure you get your CD back, and also helps us to know who you are.
    • One track on CD is preferred; we cannot change tracks mid-skit or start in the middle of a track.
    • CDs will be returned to Programming Office following Cosplay Competition for pick up.
    • CD music and dialogue MUST be clear to hear. If you have pre-recorded dialogue, make sure it is clear for people to hear. (For those who are knowledgeable with audio technology, the preferred encoding of music and dialogue is MP3 format, 128 kbps, 44.1 KHz.)
  • Text for the MC to read MUST be legible. Typed text preferred.
  • The skit may not be a repeat of an entry from any previous competition at Kumoricon.
  • Props or other items brought on stage must be approved by the Cosplay Manager and must be removed at the end of the skit.

Read the descriptions below to determine which category best fits your group. If at least one item is applicable, then that is the appropriate category for your group. Feel free to ask the Cosplay Manager if you are not sure which category fits your group.

Master Skit
  • Performers in the group have won at least three skit awards at past Cosplay competitions at any Convention, even if they were in different groups when those awards were won.
  • The group as a whole has won at least two skit awards at past Cosplay Competitions.
  • The group has performed outside of the Convention circuit at comedy clubs or similar establishments.
Journeyman Skit
  • The group as a whole has performed at Kumoricon at least twice previously.
  • The majority of the individuals in the group have performed in a Cosplay competition at a convention at least three times each previously.
  • Performers in the group have won two skit awards at past Cosplay competitions at any Convention, even if they were in different groups when those awards were won.
  • The group itself has won a skit award at past Cosplay Competitions, Kumoricon or elsewhere.
Novice Skit
  • Any group that does not fit Journeyman or Master Category.
  • First time performers fit here.
Costume Workmanship
  • Costumes will be judged individually.
  • The workmanship awards are based on the design, construction, execution, and general presentation of the costume.
  • Costume Workmanship entrants must either do a walk-on presentation or be in a skit.
  • Multiple costumes made by the same person may be entered in the costume competition so long as each costume appears on a different body.
  • Commissioned, purchased, rented, or commercially made costumes will not be allowed to enter the costume portion of the contest. A portion of the costume (such as a leotard, tights and shoes) may be from purchased finished goods, but at least 60% of the costume should have been constructed by the creator of the costume.
  • The creator(s) of the costume must be present at and registered for Kumoricon 2008.
  • Bring documentation of the character’s costume for judging. Documentation may include photos, posters, action figure or any medium that clearly shows what the character is supposed to look like.
  • Costumes must be self-contained—no electrical connections or other kinds of external plug or source.
  • Costumes for original characters are not eligible for workmanship awards.
  • Costumes worn for any previous competition at Kumoricon are ineligible.

Read the descriptions below to determine which category best fits your costuming experience. If at least one item is applicable, then that is the appropriate category. Please keep in mind that Hall Costume awards do not count toward qualification for Journeyman or Master divisions. Feel free to ask the Cosplay Manager if you are not sure which category applies.

Master Costume
  • The creator of the costume is a professional costumer, tailor or seamstress who is present for the costume judging.
  • The creator of the costume has won at least three costume workmanship awards at any convention.
Journeyman Costume
  • The creator of the costume has made 5 or more costumes, or who has made 3 or more costumes for past Kumoricon competitions.
  • The creator of the costume has won a costume award at past Cosplay competitions.
Novice Costume
  • Any costume that does not fit Journeyman or Master Category.
  • First time costumers fit here.

These categories are subject to review by the judges, and the judges or the Cosplay Manager may move entrants to a different category for any reason.

If there are three or more minors in the costume competition, or groups of minors in the skit competition, a Chibi category will be created for these entries.


  • Online entries must be submitted by August 23, 2008.
  • Mailed entries must be postmarked by August 19, 2008. Mail forms to:

    Andrea Letourneau
    Kumoricon Cosplay Manager
    33470 SW Chinook Plaza
    Scappoose, OR 97056

    Kumoricon accepts no responsibility for lost, late, misdirected or illegible mail.

  • Entries may be handed in to Cosplay Manager at the convention until noon Sunday, provided there is space for additional entries.

For all questions, suggestions, issues, confirmation requests, or offers of help regarding Kumoricon 2008 Cosplay, please contact the Cosplay Manager or Programming Director at programming@kumoricon.org.

Thank you for you interest,
Andrea Letourneau
Kumoricon 2008, Cosplay Manager

Mascot art by Omi