Kumoricon - Oregon's Anime Convention - Labor Day Weekend, Saturday-Monday - August 30-September 1, 2008
Swing Dance
Con photo
« August 2008 »
« September 2008 »

Registration Details

Kumoricon 2009 Registration

Online and mail-in pre-registration for Kumoricon 2009 have not opened yet. However, we took in-person registrations for 2009 at Kumoricon 2008 and will take in-person pre-registrations at other promotional events before online pre-registration opens.

Here are the registration options for Kumoricon 2009:

  • Pre-register online, by mail, or at one of our promotional events. All pre-registrations cover the entire three days.
    • $30 – until Dec. 31, 2008
    • $35 – until Apr. 5, 2009
    • $40 – until Aug. 9, 2009 (last day to pre-register)
  • Register for the full three days at the door – $45
  • Register for a single day at the door.
    • $30 – Saturday only
    • $30 – Sunday only
    • $25 – Monday only
  • $25 – Child registration (age 6 to 12) – Same cost whether pre-registered or at the door.
  • Free – Children age 5 and under

Information below on this page is archived information for Kumoricon 2008.


All attendees, both those who have pre-registered and those registering at the door, need the following to check in:

  • Photo ID
  • Parental permission form if under age 18

If you are pre-registered, then you also need:

  • Your badge/membership card, if you opted to have it mailed

Registration and Check-In Hours

Friday: 6:00pm-10:00pm (pre-registration check-in only; no at-the-door registrations)
Saturday: 8:00am-7:00pm
Sunday: 8:00am-7:00pm
Monday: 8:00am-3:00pm

Convention Policies

Kumoricon convention policies – All attendees and people at the convention must follow these policies.

Registration Options

  • Pre-register online, by mail, or at one of our promotional events. All pre-registrations cover the entire three days.
    • $25 – until Dec. 31, 2007
    • $30 – until Mar. 22, 2008
    • $35 – until Aug. 15, 2008 (last day to pre-register)
  • Register for the full three days at the door – $40
  • Register for a single day at the door.
    • $25 – Saturday only
    • $25 – Sunday only
    • $20 – Monday only
  • $25 – Child registration (age 6 to 12) – Same cost whether pre-registered or at the door.
  • Free – Children age 5 and under


Pre-registration gets you a mailed souvenir badge, a short line into the convention, and a lower membership cost. Pre-registration is now concluded for 2008. Registrations for the entire weekend or single days will be available at the door.

VIP Registration

Those of you looking for the royal treatment can opt for our special VIP Registration. This popular option sold out in 2007, the first year it was introduced. For $200, you will receive no line at the door, priority seating to all events, a ticket to the limited admittance guest dinner, a free Kumoricon 2008 T-shirt, and a special VIP-only badge. Only a limited number are available.


A minor is anyone under the age of 18.

Minors ages 13 to 17 are required to have a signed parent permission form in order to attend the convention. Download this form below. This can be mailed to us in advance, or brought to the con during check-in. Minors between ages 13 and 17 no longer require a convention guardian to attend, though we do encourage parents/guardians to come enjoy the con with their family.

Minors age 12 and under must be accompanied at all times by a parent or legal guardian who is also a paid attendee of the convention.

Parent Permission Form [fillable PDF] – Required to enter if you are from age 13 to 17. This form is a fillable PDF. Please fill in the fields, print, have a parent sign, and include with your mail-in registration, or bring it with you to the convention if you registered online or are planning to register at the door.

Refunds and Transfers

We’re sorry, but Kumoricon does not allow badge transfers or refunds. Please contact registration@kumoricon.org if you have any questions.

At-The-Door Registration

You can register for Kumoricon at the door and pay by cash, personal/business check, or money order.

Online Pre-Registration

Online pre-registration is available through Acteva using your credit or debit card.

Pre-registration is now closed. Registrations for the entire weekend or single days will be available at the door.

Online Pre-Registration for Kumoricon 2008

An email confirming your registration will be sent from acteva.com.

Mail-in Pre-Registration

You can pay for mail-in pre-registration by check or money order.

To qualify for a given pre-registration price, a mail-in registration must be postmarked (not necessarily received) by the final date listed for that price.

Pre-registration is now closed. Mail-in registrations postmarked after August 15 will not be accepted. Registrations for the entire weekend or single days will be available at the door.

Parent Permission Form [fillable PDF] – Required to enter if you are from age 13 to 17. This form is a fillable PDF. Please fill in the fields, print, have a parent sign, and include with your mail-in registration, or bring it with you to the convention if you registered online or are planning to register at the door.

Staff or Panelist Registration

If you intend to join staff or apply for a panelist discount, please contact the director for the staff position you are interested in, or submit a panel form, instead of pre-registering as an attendee.

If you have already pre-registered as an attendee, you can change from an attendee to staff if you decide to become staff later and are approved, but there is no refund for the difference due to the reduced staff rate. In that case, your attendee registration fee will cover the staff dues.

If you are interested in joining staff, please contact the director of the department of the position or area you are interested in, or contact volunteers@kumoricon.org to find out about volunteer opportunities that don’t require signing up for a specific position. As the year goes on, staff openings will be posted in the forums. You can also find out what is available by attending one of our monthly general meetings, which are open to the public (see the calendar for the general meeting schedule).

Staff registration is $10. Staff registration requires director approval. Staff must follow the Kumoricon Staff Member Policies.

Mascot art by Omi