Kumoricon - Oregon's Largest Anime Convention - Labor Day Weekend - September 5-7, 2009 - Hilton Portland and Executive Tower
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Kumoricon 2009 Sponsors

Dragon Moon Festival

Kumoricon 2009

Kumoricon continues its role as the center of anime in Portland and a favorite destination for lovers of Japanese animation throughout Oregon and beyond. Our seventh year brings us to the heart of downtown Portland, occupying the two towers of the Hilton Portland and Executive Tower hotel and featuring our largest main events room ever. Labor Day Weekend 2009, we'll be back with three days of cosplay, video rooms, exhibitors, panels, video games, fan creation, and much more. Fans, we welcome you to another year!


$45 for entire weekend at the door.
Single day registrations also available.

Full details

Guests of Honor

Carl Horn, Toshifumi Yoshida, The Anime Hunters, Cynthia Martinez, Jason Thompson, Kirk Thornton, Kaja and Phil Foglio, Svetlana Chmakova, Last Stop Tokyo, Soul Candy

Photos and bios

Kumoricon Forums

Join our year-round community on the forums. Staff openings, room sharing, cosplay discussion, fan creations, and more.

Upcoming Events

Oct. 25 – Annual Membership Meeting and 2010 Elections

Full calendar

Kumoricon News

March General Meeting Date Changed

Posted March 1, 2007

The date of the March general meeting has changed. It is now Sunday, March 11 instead of Saturday, March 10. The time of day (2pm to 5pm) and location (Salem Public Library) remain the same. Please view the calendar link for full details.

Update: The room is Anderson B.

The Kumoricon Update

Posted February 21, 2007

This post brings you three news updates:

Kumoricon had a successful booth presence over the last two weekends at two Asian-themed events: The Asian Celebration in Eugene and the Chinese New Year Cultural Fair in Portland. These were great opportunities where we reached out to new audiences and promoted Kumoricon to potential attendees and vendors. Thank you to all the staff and volunteers who manned the booths over these two events. Kumoricon extends a special thank you to Copic Marker for sharing their booth with us at the Asian Celebration.

Visit our gallery for photos of the Chinese New Year Cultural Fair.

The information page has been updated with our new Kumoricon 2007 promotional article, written by Maura Lydon, the winner of the contest to re-write the info page.

An update on general meetings: All previously-announced general meetings that were to take place in the Salem, OR area have now had an exact location set: The Salem Public Library, which was the location of the January meeting. (The Salem general meeting are those in March, May, and June. All meetings after this until the con are at the hotel.) Please refer to the calendar for full details on meeting dates, times, locations, and maps.

February General Meeting in Eugene

Posted February 8, 2007

The exact location of the February general meeting has been set:

DIVA classroom (Downtown Initiative for the Visual Arts)
110 W Broadway
Eugene, OR 97401

Google Maps

DIVA photo from street
(enlarge photo)

The meeting will be from 2pm to 5pm and is open to the public.

Thanks to Copic Marker for arranging for us to use this space! The meeting directly follows a manga character drawing class from 12noon to 2pm.

Update: Those interested can attend the Manga Character Drawing for Teens class from 12noon to 2pm before the meeting. The cost of the class is $25.

Kumoricon at the Chinese New Year Cultural Fair

Posted February 7, 2007

Kumoricon will have a booth this Saturday at the Chinese New Year Cultural Fair—Year of the Pig, produced by the Portland Chinese Times.

We will be taking registrations at the booth. As a promotion, badges will be mailed out on Monday for registrations taken at the Chinese New Year Fair!

Any staff are welcome to help us behind the booth, and volunteers will earn hours by doing so.

The fair is located at the Oregon Convention Center, Exhibit Hall C (address and maps). Admission to the fair is $3. Last year, this fair had 10000 attendees, so this is sure to be a popular event. For more information, including a floor plan and event schedule, please visit the official web site by the Portland Chinese Times.

Please note that this is the same day as the general meeting. If you aren’t able to make it down to Eugene for the meeting, you can visit us at the fair in Portland…or vice versa. :)

Update: Kumoricon is booth 225 (floor plan [PDF]). There doesn’t seem to be a booth 225 on the floor plan, but it’s probably near booth 223 and 227. :)

Kumoricon announces their first guests for 2007!

Posted February 1, 2007

The creators of Applegeeks will be attending Kumoricon 2007 as our Webcomic Guests of Honor, head on over to the Guests page to read more about them!

Your Badge is on the Way!

Posted January 31, 2007

The first tier badges have been mailed! If you’ve already registered, you will soon have in your possession one beautiful letter containing information about check in, programming, convention features, and….your Altonimbus Membership Badge. This PVC card will be your entry pass to the Kumoricon Convention. (A picture of a sample card will be posted later this week.)

The registration list has also been updated. Just a note – only the first tier badges have been mailed. If you ordered after Dec. 31st, 2006, you will receive your badge with the next mailout, shortly after April 10th, 2007.

If you do NOT receive your badge by Saturday, February 3rd, please contact chair@kumoricon.org. Use the words “Badge not received” in the subject line for faster service.

General Meeting Schedule for the Year

Posted January 29, 2007

All of the general meetings until Kumoricon 2007 have now been tentatively scheduled, including the February general meeting.

The February general meeting will be in or near Eugene, OR on Saturday, February 10. The exact location will be determined shortly.

Here are the future meetings for 2007:

  • March 10 – Salem
  • April 13-15 – Staff retreat – Location TBD
  • May 20 – Salem
  • June 16 – Vancouver Hilton and Convention Center (post updated on May 21 to reflect location change (formerly in Salem))
  • July 15 – Vancouver Hilton and Convention Center
  • August 11 – Vancouver Hilton and Convention Center
  • August 25 (weekend before the con) – Vancouver Hilton and Convention Center

All general meetings are from 2pm to 5pm. The meetings have been entered into the calendar displayed on the right sidebar and on the calendar page.

All meetings, except for the staff retreat, are open to the public.

To the Registrants Asked for More Info

Posted January 14, 2007

Those of you who registered during the first tier were in fact asked to supply additional information. Our ISP does not allow bulk mailing from kumoricon.org addresses. (We tried, really. :( ) Rather than writing over 100 emails separately, I used my personal account to send out the requests. If you do not reply with the missing information, your badge will not be processed. I personally apologize for any inconvenience this may cause, but the birthdate/ emergency contact information requested is vital to proper registration.

Those of you who are still leery of replying, please send the information to chair@kumoricon.org.

This is our first year mailing out badges, and our first year not requiring Convention Guardians. We really appreciate your patience as we smooth out the bumps in our registration process. In the end, you will be able to walk through the door with a simply flash of your badge and ID.
The registration form is now correct, so this only affects those who received an email. Again, I thank you for your assistance and patience.

Meg Uhde
Convention Chair
Kumoricon 2007


Posted January 1, 2007

Happy new year! Kumoricon would like to thank the 108 people who registered in the first tier price range! This tier garnered 55 registrants last year. Today begins a new tier, so member registrations now run $30 until April 30, 2007.

The first tier registrants can look forward to seeing their new badges in the next few weeks, as we complete the printing and mail them to their expectant owners. The list of registrants is now available in the Registration tab.

We hope for the best for you and yours in the year to come.

January General Meeting

Posted December 28, 2006

The January general meeting will be held at the Salem Public Library on Sunday, January 21, from 2-5pm.

101 Liberty St. SE
Salem, OR 97301

Google Maps

Like all general meetings, it is open to the public.

Further details on agenda items will be posted as the meeting approaches.

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