Kumoricon - Oregon's Largest Anime Convention - Labor Day Weekend - September 5-7, 2009 - Hilton Portland and Executive Tower
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Kumoricon 2009 Sponsors

Dragon Moon Festival

Kumoricon 2009

Kumoricon continues its role as the center of anime in Portland and a favorite destination for lovers of Japanese animation throughout Oregon and beyond. Our seventh year brings us to the heart of downtown Portland, occupying the two towers of the Hilton Portland and Executive Tower hotel and featuring our largest main events room ever. Labor Day Weekend 2009, we'll be back with three days of cosplay, video rooms, exhibitors, panels, video games, fan creation, and much more. Fans, we welcome you to another year!


$45 for entire weekend at the door.
Single day registrations also available.

Full details

Guests of Honor

Carl Horn, Toshifumi Yoshida, The Anime Hunters, Cynthia Martinez, Jason Thompson, Kirk Thornton, Kaja and Phil Foglio, Svetlana Chmakova, Last Stop Tokyo, Soul Candy

Photos and bios

Kumoricon Forums

Join our year-round community on the forums. Staff openings, room sharing, cosplay discussion, fan creations, and more.

Upcoming Events

Oct. 25 – Annual Membership Meeting and 2010 Elections

Full calendar

Kumoricon News

Kumoricon Holiday Staff Party Tomorrow

Posted December 16, 2006

What: Kumoricon staff holiday party

When: Sunday, December 17, 2006, 15:00 to 20:00



115 NW 5th Ave
Portland, OR 97209

Easily accessible from the MAX

Google Maps view
MapQuest view


Console gaming on our new Wii consoles, our PS3, and giant flat panel LCD TVs.

Tournaments and raffle, LAN gaming room, pool tables for non-gamers, and FREE FOOD!

This event is restricted to Kumoricon registered staff. If you have not signed up yet, please arrange in advance to meet with your director at the party. Staff membership fee is ten dollars. You must have your form filled out, and paid the staff membership fee, before the party, or have arranged with your director to do it at the party, to be considered staff!

Sunday, December 17th, 3pm – 8pm, food served at 5.

The Kumoricon Update

Posted December 6, 2006

Imagine stumbling into your local game store and spotting, glowing on the shelf, a beautiful, unclaimed PS3. This happened to one Kumori staffer, and we are proud to announce that we now have a Kumoricon PS3 available for the Staff Holiday Party!

Details on the Staff Holiday Party for Dec. 17 are now up on the calendar. Click on the calendar square for more details.

Wii Get!

Posted November 19, 2006

After staying up until the wii hours of the morning, your dedicated Kumorican staff has acquired four convention Wiis. Kumoricon was interviewed on Portland’s local Fox 12 station while waiting in line for the Wiis!

Seen here are four convention Wiis, in addition to five additional Wii-motes (for the one additional system we have pre-ordered and will pick up later today). We will be acquiring Nunchuks, Classic Controllers, and component cables shortly, but they were out of stock today. Staff get to play with our Wiis at special events such as the holiday party. The rest of you get to play them at the con. :)


Posted November 19, 2006

Kumoricon is in line to buy convention Wiis. We arrived at Best Buy at 10:30pm, they are expecting around 100 units, and we are around 30 in line. We are staying here all night and we will be getting these systems! Those of you signed up as staff will be playing these at the Kumoricon holiday party.

Best Buy has been watching over us, providing us with free pizza, drinks, hot chocolate, coffee, and cookies. Thanks to general manager Sam and his awesome, courteous staff at the Beaverton, OR Best Buy for an awesome console launch experience!

November General Meeting

Posted October 31, 2006

When: November 18th, 2006 1pm-5pm

Where: Vancouver Hilton & Convention Center

301 West 6th Street
Vancouver, WA 98660

Staff registration will be available starting at 12pm, please meet with the director of the department you are working with to get approval and have them sign off on the registration forms. Staff will be able to pay with credit or debit cards through Acteva, if they are interested in this avenue.

November General Meeting

Posted October 30, 2006

The November General Meeting will be on Saturday, November 18th, 2006. This meeting will be held in the Portland area, venue and time to be announced. (When I have have it, I’ll post it here!:))
On the agenda:

  • Tour of the new website features
  • Discussion of registration options
  • Hotel tour (depending on venue)
  • Continued discussion on ways to improve the convention
  • Discussion of Staff Perks for 2007
  • Holiday Party planning
  • Distributing posters and flyers to qualified Street Team and staff
  • Sign up of staff

If you are interested in becoming staff for 2007, please contact personnel@kumoricon.org to get in touch with the proper directors. Be sure to bring your $10 membership/registration fee if you are accepted. We will not be able to add you to the staff areas of the site or the staff email list until you speak with a director, fill out the proper form (available at the meeting), and pay your membership dues. As always, meetings are open to the public. More info will be posted as available. (Early this week.)

Kumoricon 2007 Officially Begins!

Posted October 28, 2006

Welcome new execs for Kumoricon 2007!

For Convention Chair – Meg Uhde

For Programming – Brenda McFadden

For Operations – Brownie Williams

For Publicity  – Jeff Tyrrill

For Relations – Sean Larson

Please welcome your new execs!

Anime article contest extended – *again*

Posted October 25, 2006

The deadline for the anime article contest has been extended again until Saturday, November 11, 11:59pm.

This gives you a bit over two weeks more to write your article telling the world about Kumoricon! (We thought this was more reasonable than just a 3-day extension. :) ) See further down the page to review the official rules. Good luck!

General Elections Cont’d and LANIME!

Posted October 18, 2006

What: General Elections/ LANime Party
Where: Chemeketa Community College, Building 9, Room 111
When: October 28, 2006 12 pm
Why: Make your voice heard and party till the wee hours!

General elections start at 12pm SHARP and will continue until all elected positions are filled. For more information on nominees, or to add a nominee, please click FORUM above and visit the thread under ‘Meetings’. This is the most important meeting of the year! The directors you elect will run Kumoricon 2007.

Starting at 2pm, Etherguild presents LANime! This being the weekend before Halloween, J Horror and Cosplay will abound! Enter the DDR tourney, view the Kumoricon 2006 and Gameshow footage, and dance at the ANIME RAVE!

We’ll see you there!

Finally, YOU can tell the world about anime cons.

Posted October 3, 2006

All you happy anime lovers! It’s time to tell the public just how cool we are.

This is your chance to write the article that everyone should read about anime conventions. If you’ve got the journalistic touch, and can inspire others to share in the love of anime and Japanese culture, then this is the contest for you! The article you write could be Kumoricon’s official info page and press release.

Requirements are as follows:
1. The submission should sell Kumoricon to the general public, focusing on those with little or no experience with anime/ Japanese culture.
2. The submission should be between 600 and 800 words long.
3. The submission should endeavor to use proper grammar and spelling.
4. The author may submit one photograph which enhances the value of the article. The author must have permission to use the photo with credit to the photographer, or be the photographer.
5. Submissions are due by no later than Saturday, November 11, 2006, 11:59p.m. (extended from October 21)
6. The contest is open to all, including current Kumoricon Staff.

The winner will be chosen by the board of Altonimbus Entertainment. All submissions and corresponding photos become the property of Kumoricon/ Altonimbus Entertainment. Articles may be edited for spelling, grammar, statistical corrections, and content.

Send your submission with your real name and forum name (if applicable) to

The winner will be announced on October 29th, 2006.
Good luck to all our entrants!

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