Member Election Results
Posted September 26, 2010
We would like to welcome the directors elected by the membership today for the 2011 convention year:
President and Chair – Beau Gentry
Director of Operations – Elias “TJ” Stinson
Director of Programming – Jaki Hunt
Director of Publicity – Ally Fields
Director of Relations – Sarah Paige

Kumoricon at Festival Japan
Posted September 23, 2010
Kumoricon will be hosting a table and taking 2011 convention pre-registrations at Festival Japan on Sep. 25 and 26.
Festival Japan is presented by the Japan-America Society of Oregon, NW Natural, and Uwajimaya, and celebrates culture and community with music, dance, arts, crafts, food, and more. It is held from 11am-5pm, Sep. 25-26 (Sat-Sun) at Uwajimaya Plaza at the Beaverton location.
Full details and flyer

Annual Membership Meeting and Elections for 2011
Posted September 15, 2010
The Annual Meeting of the Altonimbus Entertainment Membership has been scheduled for Sunday, September 26, 2010, at 1:00 PM at the Red Lion Hotel nearest the Portland Convention Center.
Red Lion Hotel Portland Convention Center
1021 NE Grand Ave
Portland, OR 97232
[Google Maps]
Agenda for the Annual Meeting
Establish Quorum
Ratify previous minutes
- Facilities Liaison
- Publicity
- Relations
- Programming
- Operations
- Treasurer
- Secretary
- Vice-Chair
- Chair
Unfinished Business (none)
New Business
- Elections (President, Operations, Programming, Publicity, Relations)
- Bylaws amendment (see here) (staff restricted link)
- Other new business (please email secretary@kumoricon.org if you have an item you’d like to present for a vote)
Good of the Order
- Suggestions for Board-Elected positions
- Staff Rant & Rave (if time permits)
If you cannot make it to the meeting, you may designate someone as your proxy by using this form. Your proxy may use your vote however they wish, so choose with care. Also, a person can hold proxy for only two other people.
This meeting is open to the public. Voting is open to Altonimbus Entertainment Members (staff).
See this board for nominations, suggestions, and candidate question and answer threads.
Forum thread to discuss this meeting.

Closing Ceremonies Announcements
Posted September 6, 2010
Thank you to all our attendees, staff, and volunteers who have made Kumoricon 2010 such a great convention!
Kumoricon’s paid attendance was 4055 people.
Our charity auction, benefiting the Portland Police Bureau Sunshine Division, raised $3688.
The winner of our contest for the 2011 mascot is:

Winning mascot artists: Ha-Young Lee, Brenna Goche
Kumoricon would like to announce its location and dates for 2011:
Kumoricon will be held in Vancouver, WA in the Hilton Vancouver Washington and the Red Lion Vancouver at the Quay over Labor Day Weekend, September 3-5, 2011.
We hope to see you there!

Attention! Video Gaming Has Moved!
Posted September 2, 2010
Due to an unexpected change in events, the hotel has asked us to move video gaming to an alternate location. Console and computer gaming will now be held below the Dealers Hall in the sub-basement level of the Main Tower!
For the average attendee this means that you no longer have to walk over to the Executive Tower during the convention! There will no longer be any programming occurring at the Executive Tower. What this also means is that you will need to know, before you arrive at the convention, how to get down into the Valet Level (sub-basement) event space.
Simply take the south stairwell (located near the elevators and front desk on the Lobby Level, or through the spa area on the Plaza Level) down to the sub-basement level where a yojimbo will be ready to let you in to the now over 6000 square foot gaming destination! This space is much bigger than our original location and that means more spectator space.
To exit the gaming level, simply take the far stairwell up to the dealers level and head out as you would from the Dealers Hall. If you need assistance in either of these (if you are wheelchair-bound or have trouble with stairs) please contact the hotel front desk or a yojimbo who can contact the hotel for you directly for special assistance. Unfortunately the elevators do not access this level.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact hotel@kumoricon.org and I will try to direct you to the correct information. This change will be posted at the registration desk, the
main lobby, the Executive Tower and in all the hotel rooms.
We appreciate your flexibility as we deal with these unforeseen issues and can’t wait to have a great convention this year!
Ally Fields
Facilities Liaison