Mini-con Start Time Changed
Posted August 7, 2007
Mini-con, our one-day event on Saturday, August 11, is now starting at 10 AM. It was previously scheduled to start at 8 AM, but this was too early for most people and especially the staff who would be setting up. Full details are further down on the main page and in this forum thread.
Note: Staff or volunteers involved in Mini-con setup or the envelope stuffing may still need to arrive earlier.

Registration tops 1200!
Posted August 7, 2007
Pre-registration is still open, and we are now just past the 1200 mark! If you haven’t pre-registered yet, you still have time! Pre-registration closes this Friday, August 10th, at 11:55 PM. Anyone who registers before this time can receive their badge via mail. The final tier mail out is scheduled for this Saturday, so if you purchased your badge at the $35 price, you should receive it the next week. Don’t delay! The con will be here in 24 days!

Sean Schemmel
Posted August 7, 2007
Kumoricon is pleased to announce Sean Schemmel, best known as the voice of Dragon Ball’s Goku! For more information, please head on over to the guests page.