Kumoricon Event Calendar
The Kumoricon event calendar lists general meetings, official and unofficial events, and meet-ups. Browse by month or year, and click any date to see a detail page listing all the events on or spanning that date. Hover the mouse over a date to see a summary tooltip of events on or spanning that date. Today’s date is bordered in red, and the date you are currently viewing (if any) is bordered in green.
General meetings are open to the public. Meet and plan with other staff, find out about joining staff or become a volunteer, and learn about open staff positions. Bring interested friends!
There will be a vote on a bylaws amendment to expand the allowable locations at which to hold the Annual Meeting of the Membership. Discussion of the wording of this amendment is being held in this forum thread [staff access required]. For a vote to be held, the meeting attendance must reach quorum, which is one fifth of the current membership of Altonimbus Entertainment. The membership, consisting of 97 staff and the 5 founders, is 102, which means the quorum is 21 members.