ghost neko

Panel Application

The form below allows you to apply to run a panel or event at the convention. Our schedules are built on these forms, so they are mandatory for all persons running a panel. This form is due no later than 11:59pm, August 15, 2018. After the deadline all, panel forms will be reviewed, and applicants will be notified via email whether or not their panel was accepted. Space is limited, so panels are approved selectively. Submitting a form does not automatically approve your panel. Your panel is only final if and when you receive written approval from the Panels Manager or Director of Programming.

Things to note

  • Panels are not first come, first served. We try to provide a variety of content, so take the time to make sure your panel is unique and well thought out!
  • Before submitting a panel form, please read the rules and FAQ listed below.
  • If you have any questions after reading the rules and FAQ, please contact the Panels Manager at for assistance.

Running a panel does not grant you access to the convention—you must still purchase a membership. You can register here.

Panelist Registration: A panelist approved to run 2 or more hours of panels qualifies to register for a discounted panelist membership ($35 weekend membership, 2 hours of approved content = 1 panelist membership). These discounted memberships are no different than a regular attendee membership except for the title.

If you are interested in registering as a panelist, and are the primary panelist applying for an eligible (two hours or more) panel, then please do not register as an attendee and instead contact for more information.

Panel Rules

  • No outside food or drink is allowed in panel rooms! The convention center must cater any and all food in panel rooms. This can get very expensive. If you must have food for your panel, email and we can discuss options. We will try to talk you out of it, but you can try. 😉
  • Stay within your rating. Panel ratings help us determine which age groups your panel is intended for. Please remember that we are a family-friendly convention, and there are people of all ages (including children) that attend panels. Try to limit unnecessary swear words in the more age-appropriate panels.
  • Treat equipment with care. Our equipment is there to enhance your panel. The better you treat it, the longer we will have it to provide for your use!
  • Do not remove equipment from the room. Tech staff will take down/set up any Kumoricon equipment. It will be delivered during the break between panels, and may arrive 10-15 minutes before your panel starts. If you need additional setup time, please make a note on your panel application. If equipment needs to be moved after your panel is over, our staff will take care of it.
  • All persons in the room must have a badge! All attendees and panelists must have a badge for the convention in accordance with our policies. Even if you are just there to help someone run a panel, you must have a badge to be in convention space.
  • Do not rearrange the furniture in the panel rooms. The convention center is in charge of setting up the chairs, etc. in the rooms, and they work very hard to do so. The rooms are scheduled to have certain setups at certain times depending on the panels happening in the rooms. You can request your preferred room setup in the applicable section on the panel form.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a panel?

A panel is usually an open discussion about a certain topic (such as a specific anime/manga/game series or other related topic). Some panels may include games or quizzes, how-tos, or an introduction to a topic.

I'm thinking of running a panel on (blank) but I don't know if people will be interested in it. Should I submit an application?

One way to determine if there is a good amount of interest is to post a new thread in the Panels section of the forums explaining the concept of your panel. It can also be a great way to brainstorm ideas, recruit help, and it may help you decide whether or not to submit a form.

How do I submit a panel application?

Panels applications are available below, on this page.

How do I know my panel application was submitted?

You will receive an email notifying you that your application was submitted successfully.

I submitted a form. Does that mean I'm running a panel?

Not yet. In July, after the submission deadline has passed, all panels will be reviewed and each panelist will be notified by email whether or not their panel has been accepted. Notification usually happens in September. Please note that even if your panel does not get accepted you will still be notified regardless.

So it's been a couple of days since panels submissions closed. Can you tell me if my panel has been accepted or not?

We receive a high volume of panel submissions, and it takes time to carefully consider them. Notifications are sent out after a preliminary schedule has been created, and that process can take a few weeks, so please be patient.

I have a question about panels. Who do I ask?

Please send your questions to, and we will do our best to assist you.

Is it possible to hand out prizes at my panel?

To discuss options, please contact

How do I know I'm getting the equipment I requested for my panel?

As long as you requested equipment on your application, we will do our best to provide it (based on availability.) If it isn't listed on your application, tech staff won't know to bring it. If you need to revise your requests, you can email, or talk to the Panels Manager at the Panelist Meeting at the convention.

My panel was accepted (yay)! How do I know when my panel will take place?

Shortly after notification emails are sent out, a draft of the schedule will be sent to panelists to verify time slots. During this time, you can check your assigned time for any scheduling conflicts.

I already applied to run a panel, but I can no longer run it for (blank) reason. What should I do?

Life happens. If you need to cancel your panel, contact as soon as you can.

I want to run a panel, but I will only be at Kumoricon for certain days. What should I do?

Please make a note in the applicable section of your panel application.

I want to run a panel, but I already told my friend I'd help run their panel too. What should I do?

Please make a note in the applicable section of your panel application.

Will my panel room have access to the internet?


I have a question regarding panels, but Kumoricon is in a few days. Will my email be responded to in time?

We do our best to respond to emails in a timely manner, but if you do not receive a response, you can seek out the Panels Manager at the Panelist Meeting on the first morning of Kumoricon.

Panel applications are now closed.