Kumoricon 2020 postponed to November 5-7, 2021!
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Kumoricon Lite Thank-You and Photos

Posted July 5, 2015

Kumoricon would like to give a huge thank-you to our attendees for the fantastic attendance at Kumoricon Lite last weekend! The turnout exceeded our wildest expectations, and we hosted 651 attendees!

Your costumes brightened the day, and we’ve posted our photos to show the world.

The Super Smash Bros. tournament ran from afternoon until close, your karaoke entertained the event, and your cosplay contest cheering shook the room. Our photobooth, hosted by Spott, was a big hit, and we’re happy to see many of the photos you’ve received!

To those who donated manga for our library, thank you very much! We added over 600 donated volumes! Our library keeps growing and we love offering this little spot to relax and have some quiet time at the con.

And wouldn’t you know it… the full con is only two months away. Bet you can’t wait!