Kumoricon 2020 postponed to November 5-7, 2021!
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Renovation at the Convention Center

Posted October 5, 2018

We wanted to update you on a recent development at our venue, the Oregon Convention Center. With the construction of the Hyatt (the construction across the street by the MAX station) well underway, the OCC is renovating and updating its look to complement the new hotel!

On that note, please be aware that a significant amount of the convention center will be under renovation during Kumoricon 2018 and will affect some of the areas utilized by our event and our attendees. No official Kumoricon events will be eliminated or reduced in size. However, some areas will be re-arranged or affected by the construction:

  • Pre-Function A Lobby
  • Pre-Function B Lobby
  • Holladay Lobby and Entrance
  • Registration
  • Gaming
  • Main Events
  • Panel Rooms in pods A and B
  • Lobby A and C Restrooms
  • The following Photoshoot/Meetup locations:
    • OCC – Ballroom Lobby
    • OCC – Holladay Lobby
    • OCC – Pre-Function A
    • Outside OCC – Bell in front of Ballroom Lobby
    • Outside OCC – Martin Luther King, Jr. statue

The images below illustrate the areas that will be affected and inaccessible to attendees. We understand that this will inconvenience a great many of our attendees and we are working with the OCC to proactively resolve a significant number of concerns.

Level 1:

Event level 1 map

Level 2:

Event level 2 map

This year, due to the stress that can be induced by the presence of construction, we are introducing the AFK room (Away from Kumo)—a quiet space for attendees needing a relief from stress and over-stimulation. Official room rules will be announced later, but the purpose of this room is to be a quiet room where no phone calls, music, conversation, or anything producing sound will be allowed.


How will this affect my attendee experience?

We are working with the OCC to minimize the effect on our attendees' experiences at Kumoricon. No panel rooms or event spaces (with the exception of the photoshoot locations) are being removed or cancelled, just slightly rearranged and minorly inconvenienced.

Please be sure to review the updated map when planning your con itinerary.

Where can I enter the OCC?

Attendees may enter through the MLK Lobby Entrance, the Ginkoberry Concourse Entrance, or the parking garage entrances. The Holladay Lobby by the MAX station on Holladay Street will be under renovation at that time and will not be accessible. The sidewalk from the MAX station on Holladay Street to the MLK Lobby Entrance will be open—look for the signs!

How do I get to the panel rooms in A and B?

A corridor will be constructed to allow attendees to access panels in Lobbies A and B. Lines for panels in those pods will be arranged in the corresponding lobbies (e.g. attendees for panels in the B-pod will line up in Lobby B). The access corridor will be narrow, so attendees will need to plan additional time to travel to those rooms.

How do I get to Main Events and Gaming?

Gaming and Main Events will be moved to Hall A and A1 (see updated map). To access them, attendees will need to walk through Registration (Hall B). Look for the large entry sign in Registration / Lobby C for direction!

What restrooms can I use on the first level?

The Lobby A and C restrooms will be closed. There are restrooms on the first floor in Registration (Hall B), Gaming (Hall A), and the KumoriMarket (Hall C). Restrooms in Registration (Hall B) are designated as gender-neutral.

Can I use the elevators?

Areas around the first floor elevators will be under construction during con, but will be made accessible to attendees during Kumoricon. As in previous years, we ask that OCC elevator use remain reserved for attendees with accessibility needs, attendees with strollers, and other staff who have received approved access.

How will this affect ADA / Accessibility?

With the access corridors to panel rooms in pods A and B being narrow, we encourage all attendees to plan additional travel time to get to those rooms. As in previous years, we ask that OCC elevator use remain reserved for attendees with accessibility needs, attendees with strollers, and other staff who have received approved access.

We ask for attendees to be conscious and accommodating of their fellow attendees who are needing accessibility accommodations. We are all fans and we all want to have a good time at Kumoricon.

If you are an attendee who needs accessibility accommodations, and have specific questions or need assistance, please contact our accessibility team at accessibility@kumoricon.org.

How will this affect Photoshoots and Meetups?

Photoshoots originally scheduled for the following areas will be affected: the Holladay Lobby, Pre-Function A Lobby, Ballroom Lobby, and most of the "outside OCC" locations. Individuals who have submitted a photoshoot or meetup will be emailed alerting them to the construction and will need to update their scheduled photoshoot(s) with the link included in their confirmation email. The following locations have been added to the list of options for photoshoot/meetup locations:

  • OCC – Ginkoberry Concourse, Smart Energy Cow
  • OCC – Ginkoberry Concourse, Under Ginkoberry Gwa Sculpture
  • Outside OCC – Essential Forces (fountain in front of Moda Center)
  • Outside OCC – Ulsan Bell of Sisterhood (bell in front of Holladay Lobby)
  • Outside OCC – Holladay Park (across the street from the DoubleTree)

We apologize for the short notice and understand that this will inconvenience a great many of our attendees. We are working with the OCC to limit the effect. We want everyone to have an amazing time at Kumoricon this year and we look forward to see you all there.

Wanna learn more about the construction plans? Check out the renovation plans! The areas around the convention center are going to be even more incredible for future cosplay photoshoots!