Election information
Each year, we hold elections for the board of directors for Altonimbus Entertainment (the organization that produces and runs the Kumoricon convention). Altonimbus Entertainment, and thereby Kumoricon, is governed by a board of directors consisting of nine members who each serve annual terms. Terms begin and end at the conclusion of voting for the annual meeting of the body which elects each board member.
Seven of the nine board members are elected by the membership (that is, the staff of Kumoricon) at the Annual Meeting of the Membership:
- Chair/President
- Director of Infrastructure
- Director of Membership
- Director of Operations
- Director of Programming
- Director of Publicity
- Director of Relations
Election details:
This election is a special election for the following vacant positions:- Director of Infrastructure
- Director of Publicity
- Nominations, questions, comments, and responses will be held online on the public Discord leading up to the March 29, 2025, membership meeting.
- At the March 29, 2025, membership meeting, live candidate speeches, questions, and comments will be held, including an anonymous question-and-comment session.
- Actual voting will not occur at the membership meeting. Instead, voting will be open for five days, from Thursday, March 27, at 8:00pm, Pacific Time, to Tuesday, April 1, at 8:00pm, Pacific Time.
- All members will receive emailed voting instructions closer to March 27.
- Members do not need to attend the meeting to vote.
- Those who are unable to attend the meeting may watch the video replay on Twitch, and there will be time to watch it before the voting deadline.
- Because voting is not taking place specifically at a membership meeting, proxy voting is not allowed. All members have five days to vote, and those interested in voting should directly cast their vote.
- In order to reduce the chances of needing a runoff vote, voting will be conducted using approval voting, as specified in section 4.D.4.c of the bylaws. In approval voting, members vote for as many candidates as the member approves of, with the winner being the candidate who receives the most votes, as long as it is a majority of votes cast. There will also be a "no confidence" option for all races.
- We will continue our use of ElectionBuddy, a third-party platform, to vote in this election.
- Votes on ElectionBuddy are anonymous. No Kumoricon staff, including the election tellers or moderators, can see who you voted for or whether you voted "no confidence". (We can, however, see which members submitted a ballot at all.)
- The vote counts for each candidate will be publicly published.
- We will continue to host nominations, online Q&A, comments, and endorsements on the public Discord.
- We are no longer mirroring the nomination list, questions, and comments on the website forums.
- We will continue to create an archive of questions, answers, and comments on the staff website for those who do not have a Discord account.
- Full rules and details are in our elections process document (staff login required).
Election roles
The election is being run by the following staff:
Nomination moderator: Robert, Chair
Election moderator: Robert, Chair
Teller: Elaina, Assistant Director, Infrastructure
Teller: Amber, Director of Relations
Teller: Stacie, Lead, Staff Retention
Backup teller: Finley, Support, Treasury
Backup teller: Stephen, Secretary
The nomination moderator will oversee nominations, and moderate the online questions and comments.
The election moderator will oversee elections at the election meeting.
The election moderator and tellers will receive and moderate anonymous questions and comments that are read at the meeting (see process below).
Nominations are currently open for candidates for the listed elected positions.
Nominations must be seconded to be valid. A person cannot nominate or second themselves. To be listed on the candidate list below and on the ballot, a candidate must be nominated and seconded, and then accept the nomination, by the deadline. Once a candidate is nominated and seconded, they may change their acceptance status at will until the nominations deadline of Monday, March 24, 2025, 11:59pm.
Nominations and seconds can be made, and candidates may respond to nominations, in two ways:
- State your nomination in the #nominations channel on the official Kumoricon Discord public server.
- Email election.nominations@kumoricon.org.
Candidates are listed alphabetically by last name, using the preferred name as set in their official staff registration, which candidates may update at any time, or, alternately, the preferred name as requested to the nomination moderator.
Director of Infrastructure
- Leon (accepted)
Director of Publicity
- Jessica (accepted)
- Sierra (nominated and seconded, but not accepted)
Nomination records
The following is a record of the nominations, seconds, and acceptance decisions for this election:
March 15, 2025, at 4:31pm: Leon was nominated for Director of Infrastructure by Nick Avgerinos.
March 15, 2025, at 4:59pm: Sierra was nominated for Director of Publicity by Trevor McClung.
March 17, 2025, at 9:37pm: Leon was seconded for Director of Infrastructure by Joseph Mason.
March 17, 2025, at 9:37pm: Sierra was seconded for Director of Publicity by Shaun Linton.
March 18, 2025, at 9:52am: Leon accepted their nomination for Director of Infrastructure.
March 22, 2025, at 3:52pm: Sierra declined their nomination for Director of Publicity.
March 22, 2025, at 3:52pm: Jessica was nominated for Director of Publicity by Sierra Rice.
March 22, 2025, at 3:52pm: Jessica was seconded for Director of Publicity by Trevor McClung.
March 22, 2025, at 3:53pm: Jessica accepted their nomination for Director of Publicity.
Questions and comments
The primary venue for online questions and comments will be the channels for each position on the official Kumoricon Discord public server. Please ask your question or make your comment in the appropriate channel for that position, rather than the #nominations channel.
Shortly before the meeting, we will create an exported version of the questions and answers for staff who don't have a Discord account. We will also continue to hold question-and-comment sessions at the membership meeting.
Anonymous questions and comments
After the open question-and-comment period for each candidate, we will host an additional anonymous question-and-comment period. Questions and comments may be emailed in advance, or during the meeting, to election.support@kumoricon.org.
This process is subject to the following rules:
- The members of the moderator panel (composed of the election moderator(s) and tellers) choose anonymous questions and comments to sponsor and read at the meeting, from those submitted.
- Anonymous questions/comments are anonymous when read at the meeting, but the moderator panel must know the identity of the person commenting. Your message must be signed with a name that clearly identifies you within the Kumoricon community.
- As part of the moderation process, the panel may request more information from you or request a change to your question/comment, or possibly even reject your question/comment.
- The moderator panel will reply to you stating whether your comment has been accepted.
- Questions/comments may be shortened or summarized, and similar questions/comments from multiple people may be combined.
A more detailed explanation of the rules and process around anonymous questions and comments is available in our elections process (staff login required).