Exhibitor Application FAQ

What is the primary means of communication between me and Kumoricon staff?

Before the convention, we communicate primarily by email. If you sent an application and have not received a timely response by the closing deadline, please check your spam or email filters. Our primary email address is exhibits@kumoricon.org with registration link emails sent by kumorimarket@kumoricon.org. During the convention, we can be reached by text message at 503-567-1204. If you are unable to communicate by email, please let us know in the "additional notes" section of your application, and we will accommodate.

Where is the hall this year? Is it in the Oregon Convention Center?

The Exhibitor Area will be located within the OCC alongside the Artist Alley and Small Press sections. There is not a physical divider between artists and exhibitors for optimal flow. We do have a few additional booths in our Gaming Hall for gaming-specific exhibitors, however, and you are free to inquire about such options.

How big is the Exhibitor Area this year? How many booths are there?

The Exhibitor Area for Kumoricon 2025 will be around the same size as for 2024. We care about the variety and ability for sales for our exhibitors and thus always try to avoid overfilling the room. Booths themselves are 10 feet long by 10 feet wide. As demand for them is high, our layouts provide accommodation for mostly corner booths (any booth that has at least two of its four sides open), but we also have in-line booths available if preferred.

What comes with a booth purchase?

As with previous years, the first booth purchase comes with an 8-foot table, 2 chairs, and 4 memberships. Each additional booth comes with 2 memberships. If additional badges are needed for assistants, they may be purchased at a discounted rate.

I noticed there were "tiered" booth prices. What does that mean?

Starting in 2019, we are pricing booths by their proximity to the entrance/exit. Premium Booths are the closest exhibitor booths to the doors. Standard Booths are in the middle sections and are approximately 50 to 80 feet from the doors. Discount Booths are the furthest from the doors, but are sold at a lower price per booth. As usual, a "corner fee" applies for any corner booths on the booth islands away from the walls.

Is fan art allowed?

Fan art is only allowed in the Artist Alley, and not allowed in the Exhibitor and Small Press sections. Fan art is defined as prints and other artistic items that include the likeness of a character, symbol, or other copyrighted property, and are neither official goods nor directly compete with official goods. Any goods traditionally classified as "bootleg" (manufactured without license, unofficial, intended to appear official or defraud) are strictly not allowed, neither in the Artist Alley nor the Exhibitor Area. We actively enforce our rules against bootlegs and patrol for them.

In previous years, major anime companies have been present at Kumoricon and are likely to be again. Any requests that they have for copyright violations will be taken with utmost seriousness upon presentation. Kumoricon will comply with any requests from US license holders.

Examples of common items that would violate our "fan art" policies in the Exhibitor Area:

  • Poster prints of characters from licensed series
  • Metal prints of characters from licensed series
  • Handmade Pokémon plushies
  • Self-printed stickers depicting characters or official art from a licensed anime
  • Unlicensed T-shirts / pillowcases with official or unofficial art on them
  • Vinyl decals of trademarked insignias from licensed anime

Does Kumoricon offer a Wi-Fi connection?

We do offer Wi-Fi for a $15 fee, which covers all days of the convention. Bear in mind that the connection is bandwidth-restricted for each device and only allows enough throughput for financial transactions and other small-data activity. If you require on-site internet with stronger throughput for things such as streaming or large downloads, the Oregon Convention Center offers a business-class connection through their ordering service.

Devices that disallow connection to open Wi-Fi SSIDs/access points, such as certain standalone Clover and Square units, may not function on both the Kumoricon Wi-Fi and OCC business-class connections due to both the fact that the Oregon Convention Center does not offer a WPA/WPA2-protected access point, and also due to the usage of a captive portal requiring login through a web browser. Please ensure your devices can connect to no-password Wi-Fi access points and can complete a captive portal login through a web browser before purchasing Wi-Fi.

How can I purchase a parking pass?

Unfortunately, the I-5 Lot Parking Pass is not available for Kumoricon 2025, as it will be closed for overpass construction work.

Am I allowed to sell food/snacks/drinks?

Any consumables, from fresh-cooked food to pre-packaged snacks and drinks, can be sold in our Exhibitor areas, but bear in mind that the Oregon Convention Center charges a buyout fee for food/drink sales within its property. If desired and approved, this can be added to your invoice.

Are there age requirements?

While we do not have a minimum age for Exhibitor Area participants, a parent or legal guardian must sign the Exhibitor Contract for each participating minor.

When does registration open up?

For 2024, Kumoricon Exhibitor applications are open and will close on or before August 31!

Applicants should take some time to fill out the application carefully, paying attention to the email field to make sure it is not misspelled (this is a common issue).

After your application is accepted, you will be contacted by the KumoriMarket team to confirm your registration and arrange payment. Responses will be provided as applications are approved, declined, or wait-listed. Payment for the spaces is due within four weeks of registration links being sent. Kumoricon does not allow for refunds and transfers. In the event of an emergency cancellation, please contact our exhibitor team.

If you have examples of fan art in your sales portfolio or business website that you understand that must be omitted from your Kumoricon 2024 sales inventory, please acknowledge it in your application's "Additional information" section or via an email to exhibits@kumoricon.org accompanying your application submission—failure to do so will result in an automatic rejection of your application.

Payments: Payments for exhibitor booths may be made via credit/debit card through Eventeny. Payment must be received before the deadline indicated on the registration link being issued to the accepted exhibitor. Once the registration link has expired, the pending exhibitor will be notified that their application has been declined and the next applicant on the wait-list will be accepted. In the event that you need to cancel your table prior to the event, no refunds will be issued.