
Dress code and information detailed below were for the 2024 KumoriBall. Dress code and other details may be changed when the 2025 KumoriBall year-specific theme is announced. Please check back for the final 2025 rules before finalizing your plans.

You're cordially invited to an adventure at 2024 Kumoricon’s Dungeons and Dancing Soiree, where you can dance the night away, sweep someone off their feet, and/or twirl around the ballroom. The KumoriBall is an eloquent adventure you can embark on to level up your ballroom skills. Lessons will be offered throughout the convention. Our wonderful ballroom staff will be available for dances and to help you remember any patterns and moves that were taught. Formal attire is required. Please review the dress code for guidance.

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Attendee participation

Formal attire is required to attend this event. Some cosplay may be accepted but must meet the theme and elegance of the formal event. Attendees are encouraged to participate in lesson panels to enhance ballroom experience but not required. For safety, flow of dance and proper ballroom etiquette is expected to be observed.

Hours of operation

Please refer to the schedule, when released, for times and location of the KumoriBall. Limited capacity will be enforced.

Rules and restrictions

The dress code will be enforced, so here are some basic guidelines for you to choose your attire:

First and foremost, this is a formal, themed event. Attendees not wearing formal attire will not be admitted. Formal attire consists of suits, slacks, button-up shirts, blouses, knee/ankle length dresses, capes, and other worldly accepted ceremonial/military attire. Formal dresses should be below the knee. (See Formal wear – Wikipedia.)

Secondly, shoes must be worn at all times. This is for your safety. No exceptions. Close-toed shoes are advised.

Thirdly, coat check will not be available. Please plan accordingly. Kumoricon is not responsible for any lost, stolen, or damaged items.

Cosplays are permitted, provided they follow the above guidelines and theme of the KumoriBall.

The following will not be admitted if presented:

  • Sweats
  • Jeans
  • Ripped clothing (unless specifically appropriate to the cosplay, e.g. a zombie in a suit)
  • Skirts/dresses at or above the knee
  • Trousers above ankle length
  • Bare midriffs
  • T-shirts
  • Tank tops
  • Tube tops
  • Swimwear
  • Leggings without an outer layer
  • Bulky props/wings/T-rex in a tie, etc.

Exceptions will be made on a limited case-by-case basis at the door.

Safety policies:

  • No conga lines
  • Shoes on at all times
  • Maintain social distancing to the best extent possible
  • No backflips, front flips, or lifts of any sort. Please try to maintain one foot on the ground at all times.

For questions, please contact ballroom@kumoricon.org.

Frequently asked questions

Do I need to bring a partner?

Nope! No partner is required in order to attend the KumoriBall, ballroom lessons, or any other Kumoricon ballroom event.

I have two left feet/can't dance/don't have experience. Can I still attend?

Absolutely! No experience is needed. We do require all attendees to follow safety protocols including respecting the line of dance. There will be diagrams to help you remember what these are! If you want to learn a dance or three, you are welcome to attend one of our dance classes!

How do I know if my outfit meets the dress code?

Our dress code is based on common formal wear standards. If you feel that your outfit might not fit those standards, try dressing it up! Can you switch out a skirt? A shirt? Add a tie? If you want to be sure, either check in with one of our staff at the Programming Booth from 10:00am to 12:00 noon on Saturday (times subject to change), find our staff during the dances, or refer to our rules and restrictions and dress code diagrams for help.

I'd like to wear my character's school uniform. Does that meet the dress code?

School uniforms must meet our formal dress code requirements. We have decided to allow uniform skirts that are above the knee provided that they are also worn with opaque tights and/or leggings. If your uniform includes trousers, please ensure that they are ankle-length or lower.

Will there be space to sit down? And refill my water bottle?

Yes! There will be plenty of space to sit down between your dances. Water will be available from the drinking fountain and water bottle refill station near the restrooms.

My feet hurt! Can I please take off my shoes?

Unfortunately, we cannot allow you to take off your shoes per Kumoricon policy. If you are wearing unfamiliar footwear to the ball or you think your shoes might not be up to dancing, we highly recommend that you bring a backup pair with you in case you need to change.

I use a mobility aid. Can I still dance?

Only you know if you're up for dancing. As long as your mobility aid does not pose a safety hazard for others on the dance floor, you are welcome to use it. If you're worried about moving too much, feel free to step toward the center of the dance floor where stationary dances are done!

I'm under eighteen. Can I attend?

Yes! You are welcome to attend until curfew. If you are of an age that requires a guardian in order to attend Kumoricon, your guardian will need to attend with you. Your guardian will not need to be dressed formally (but it would be fun if they did!).

What should I bring to the ball?

Many attendees find it useful to bring a water bottle above all else. Make sure you have your badge too! Some find that they need a change of shoes and/or earplugs/noise reducers as well. Please do not bring prohibited items (See rules and restrictions).